All women are an incarnation of the Divine Feminine.
Marek Peter Kaziniec
Especially the Whole women; have identified with the All in us all, and realise that the deliberately demonised Chinese, Russians, Iranian or indeed Palestinians, are just another unique branch on the Single Tree of Soul.
Women are Mother, or Feminine archetype of relationship, which nurtures, protects, has compassion, and above all, is always inclusive, hence women are an archetype of service for the whole community. While men archetypaly, on the other hand, are hard-wired in their cellular memory to be a warrior. Because of his superior strength and ego, the male’s role for millennia was to protect the group from other men with equal size egos. He is the archetypal hero who has to compete with anything, or anyone, who threatens his little tribe, his power and is not alike; hence he is the divisiveness that keeps us all apart. It has to be added that the contemporary woman, especially the one’s in power part of the Elite group, are just as divisive as the traditional male. it could be even said, such women or more cruel, selfish and power hungry than their male counterparts.
So, Whole women are the Mother, the womb, which not only includes all things within it, but is the source of all new life, the archetype of relationship, which builds kinship, not only with all visible life, but through her feminine instinct, her active use of intuition, also a relationship with the invisible dimension of the Soul, the support and enlivening Power in all of creation, in you, and the universe. But men, and the Elites click women or the archetypal masculine mind, are divisiveness, which represses anything that it finds as other than itself.
She is Nature, unfolding spontaneously from itself, where mind and Soul are seamlessly one, while he is our society with its rational mind’s institutions, its laws and its authorised, mapped out, life’s destiny where mind and Nature are split apart.
‘This feminine mythology and iconography of the Goddess is important, ‘… it’s enormously important because, our very survival as a planet and the race is dependent upon our being aware of the interconnectedness of all things, and that is what’s the goddess is about; interconnectedness between human and earth, and between the rocks and the trees and the plants and the animals. And so this iconography helps us make these connections. And other thing that is so important about this is that of honoring of female bodies and female sexuality, because there is a direct link between the raping of the earth, the despoiling of the environment, and the raping of women, violence against women. It’s important that we re-spiritualize female sexuality, human sexuality, this will help us to heal, to heal the rift, the breakdown of relationships between men and women and all the pain that that has caused us all.’
‘It’s not about dominance. It’s about the life force that is inherent, that is part of every woman’s body. Every woman’s biological inheritance is a life force that is to promote all of life for all of us. It’s sad, some feminists don’t see this, they look for, they like to see an androgyny, and in any way limit, to discourage the difference between the sexes. But that’s not good. First of all it’s not true. We are different and our differences are actually source of pleasure and delight. So what this goddess imagery does is posit another view of this power that is in every woman. For all of us.’
— Elinor Gadon
‘The evolution of the Western mind has been driven by a heroic impulse to forge an autonomous rational human self by separating it from primordial unity with nature. But to do this, the masculine mind had to repress the feminine. The evolution of the Western mind has been founded on the repression of the feminine, the repression of whatever the masculine mind defined as “other.”’ Richard Tarnas.
image; Lucid Dream_10 by caddman