Marek Peter Kaziniec
1 min readOct 18, 2023

As the centers of initiation into the experience of the Mystery of Existence have long been destroyed

Marek Peter Kaziniec

As the collective centers of initiation into the experience of the Mystery of Existence have long been destroyed by religious fanaticism, it is up to the individual, working in her or his solitude and wrestling long and deep enough with their Soul to have opened out in the back to Eternity and there ‘…touched anew that still point of this turning world of which is the Unconsumed Fire of the Universe’.

To bring back up morsels of this Feminine Mystery of Eternal Life, the presence of the Divine in all things, and then rendering this intimate mystic experience into poetry or art to become the source of the sorely missing epiphany of the immortal Soul of the Cosmos, which is then communicated to the outside everyday world, to the bewildered by its ecstatically awakening impact on them, slumbering seekers.

image; The Incantation BY crilleb50

Marek Peter Kaziniec

Artist, poet, mystic and author of Mystic Soul and Where We Dream the Single Dream