GrabOne Redesign for Android

Dingzhou Li
Design Yard
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2015

The redesign includes navigation system and parts of main screens. I was not attempt to design the splash screen which seems to be played easily, cause I know it cannot be stupid anymore. Why I have to see the app is loading? Is that make the app seems benignant? What I want to see is content, no matter it is cached old stuff or any constant UI elements, rather than a ugly logo that occupies a whole 5 inches screen. However, I still remember one of my teachers told me ‘You should have a splash screen since it is so common.’ while I am studying in uni.

There are six icons which is corresponding with six different categories, which refers to GrabOne desktop website. This kind of design utilise the real estate of screen quite well. I added some images, intend to display the latest product’s photo within each category. As a result, the size of each element is resized bigger. Please forgive me to design with irrelevant images since seeking resources is time consuming, and violate my original aim to redesign. In addition, I am quite interested in trying the automatically random image generated plugin in Sketch.

Instead of using ambiguous icons in navigation bar, I chose to use pure text straightforward. I removed the banner design for ‘our picks’, and make it more consistent with its desktop website. Since the items inside ‘our picks’ is usually more than fifteen, I was not attempted to design it in a slider way.

Trendy pull-to-refresh, and revised ribbon design for ‘best of the week’, to avoid distracting the user from being able to quickly scan. It can be seen that I removed the right arrow icon at right of each item, as it is prohibited by Andorid design guideline. Navigation bar would be shrinked while scrolling down to provide more space for content.

When I saw the back arrow in navigtion bar of the first screen at first sight, I am shocked. This is so unusual and ridiculous. It can be told that there are totally three steps: choose your city > choose the served site > choose a county. The logic seems all right, because it prevents setting up while entering the app every time, and I could learn that the served site for each county is different from the design.

However, why should users to learn something from design? I have to say the design is easy, but bad as well. It is cumbersome so they have to handle some addtional intermediate steps until implentmenting a task. For example, If I am going to change the served site, I have to firstly back to the city selection page. For my redesign concept, I combined its served site into new navigation drawer. The entrance of sign in, about and settings is included in the menu.

Thank you for your reading, please recommend the article if you think it makes sense. And please check my other redesign works as weekly challenge.

Chinese Version

