Introduction to HTML And Basic Format of a HTML document


What does it mean by HTML?

Basically, the term HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is a markup language that we use for Web development. Structure of a web page is decided by HTML.

Getting started with HTML

1st of all create a text document in your computer and change it’s extension to .html.

Creating a text document
After changing extension into .html

Then, you need a text editor for coding. You can use Notepad, Notepad++ and also Visual studio code. Visual studio code is a very common tool that is used by most of the IT Professionals. So, as an IT undergraduate I also prefer to use Visual code studio for my coding activities.

Basic HTML tags

There are few basic HTML tags,

  1. <html></html>
  2. <head></head>
  3. <body></body>

Basic HTML Document format

Basic format of a HTML Document



Dinith Rathnayaka

I don't like to limit to 1 topic. I am here to write for different topics