I’m dropping out of College

Diogo Ferreira
Student Voices
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2017

I’m dropping out of College to pursuit a dream I have. I want to build a company and try to solve an interesting problem, one that engages me.

I believe college is far way from it’s goal of delivering the best form of education to students. From my experience, it lead me to non desirable thinking, work and challenges. But I’m not self sustained yet. I have a family who pays me food and a comfortable living. So I have to sell them this new idea. My family is quite open to new ideas, as a Portuguese family I would say a lot actually. But this one, is a tough one. You know how parents believe in college. When they were young, whoever had a college degree was doing great in life.

But things changed. A lot actually.

Today having a degree or even a masters degree is far from enough in terms of getting the so called “good job”. But that’s not even the point. I never wanted that for me. The point is I’m willing to pursuit what I believe is the best for me. And they want the best for me too. So we share the same goal. I will tell them the pros of my decision but first I will start with a question.

“Isn’t the point of the college learning ?”

Then I will tell them that I have a better plan than college. It will gather to three major points:

— I will learn a lot more.

When you’re solving a problem that you have or you want to solve your motivation will skyrock, believe me. Compare that to the kind of problems you are solving in college, almost all hypothetical and uninteresting.

— I will learn in different domains.

I’m not constrained to a single area. If I want to make a business happen I have to learn a lot of areas like marketing, business, psychology, design just to name a few.

— I will design my days.

I will not have a schedule made by someone else. I’ll do my schedule to maximise my productivity and well being.

I’ll debate it on the next family diner. I’ll drop anyways. I’m already committed to that. I just need to know if I have their support or not. Anyways if this new adventure go wrong I’ll learn a lot more compared to college. So this is a win win situation from my point of view.



Diogo Ferreira
Student Voices

I’m helping building the next gen of gyms. I enjoy learning, traveling and reading.