Diora SuleymanovaMy mentorship journey — you are always a student never a master.One of my passions is working with startups. They give me a feeling of being home filled with energy, creativity and diversity. It is the…May 26, 2017May 26, 2017
Diora SuleymanovaThe meaning of one man’s suffering. My father’s story.World War II passed through the lives of millions leaving behind pain, suffering, death and grief. My father is one of those whose…May 9, 2017May 9, 2017
Diora SuleymanovaMa célébrité à moiQu’est-ce qu’une célébrité? Selon le Grand Robert, c’est «une personne illustre». Et il ajoute «grand homme». Ma personne célèbre est…Mar 18, 2017Mar 18, 2017