Living Vibes
2 min readDec 24, 2016
Ghana Police

Ghana Police

The Kasoa Division of the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Ghana Police Service has arrested a 37-year-old man for allegedly circulating a video clip of a pastor’s wife with whom he had a sexual affair through various mediums.

Mr Bright Atta, a community public announcer, was said to have engaged in some sexual escapades with the wife of the pastor after she requested GH¢200 to settle her daughter’s registration fee.


It was after their negotiations that the two had sex, which the suspect was said to have recorded, a video he later copied onto his laptop. The Kasoa DOVVSU said it was still investigating how the video was leaked.

While some residents of the town claimed young men who were regular visitors to the centre of the suspect saw the video on his laptop and downloaded it, others said the suspect sent his faulty laptop for repairs, resulting in the leakage of the video clip.

The suspect and the victim are not members of the same church.


The Kasoa DOVVSU Commander, District Superintendent of Police (DSP) Florence Anaman, who confirmed the arrest of the suspect in an interview with journalists, said, “We were here three days ago when we had information that a young man was circulating a video of the sexual act on the Internet.”

She said the police followed up on the lead and had the suspect arrested, adding: “We’re questioning him regarding the incident.”

The video of the sexual act is said to be circulating in Gomoa Ojobi in the Central Region, where the incident occurred.