Dipak Nandi: an Effective RCM is The Key to Seamless Healthcare Practices

Dipak Nandi
2 min readMar 3, 2021

When it comes to achieving a successful health practice, an efficient RCM with a pool of expert billers and coders is one of the important criteria. However, with the present cost of modern healthcare and wages rise, regardless of talent, skill, or capability, we have often seen billers and coders especially in-house staffs often lacking the time and availability to keep up with the ever changing tides of the healthcare industry, due to lot of work pressure. As in-house staffs are often juggling in between patient care and collection process; thus resulting in outsourcing of the Revenue Cycle Management.

Ensuring a cost-effective and accurate medical billing solution, outsourcing RCM further ensures:

Reduction the of Risk of Medical Billing and collection Errors -Outsourcing revenue cycle management has excellent experts who not only have the time to carefully process your billing accurately but with stringent checks and balances ensuring a better billing management process; which lack in the in-house staff. This is because in-house staffs are prone to more risk of making costly medical billing and coding errors that can affect reimbursement from insurance companies as they are often seen juggling in between billing and patient care management.

Excellent years of billing and collection experience–being a cost effective, outsourcing operational extension are not only dedicated solely to your billing operation but also are completely aware of any changes to the regulatory environment ensuring a concrete impact on your practice with the most accurate processing possible.

Faster Insurance Payments-reducing your errors in both billing and claims processing, outsourcing also is a way towards faster reimbursements and payments can be received in a shorter amount of time.

Better Patients care management- eliminating the unnecessary task that in-house billers and coders have to put up with which can be quite challenging to meet all your patients’ expectations, outsourcing revenue cycle you no longer have to worry anymore.

In fact, Dr. Dipak Nandi MD, who is also a recipient of several entrepreneurial awards, A proud member of the prestigious AIIMS alumni and a board certified psychiatrist; today has been involved across the United States and India with key strategic initiatives in healthcare services like medical billing and telemedicine who in this pandemic seeing an increasing growth and demand in the mental illness observed outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management is the key towards seamless healthcare practice management.



Dipak Nandi

Dr. Dipak Nandi, MD, is a New York based board certified physician and entrepreneur. He has been responsible for major developments in the field of healthcare o