Mastering Lordotic Chest X-rays: A Radiologist’s Comprehensive Guide

Dipen Barua
4 min readJan 6, 2024


Lordotic chest X-rays, also known as AP (anteroposterior) lordotic views, offer a specialized perspective on the upper thoracic region, focusing on the clavicles and lung apices.

This comprehensive guide explores the purpose, techniques, and clinical significance of lordotic chest X-rays, providing radiologists with the knowledge needed to master this advanced imaging technique.

Understanding the Purpose of Lordotic Chest X-rays

Mastering Lordotic Chest X-rays: Radiologist Guide

Primary Objective: To provide a focused assessment of the upper thoracic region, emphasizing the clavicles and lung apices.

Overcoming Superimposition: The lordotic position minimizes bony superimposition, allowing for clearer imaging of anatomical structures.

Perfecting Interpretation of Lordotic Chest X-rays

1. Clavicle Assessment: Precision in Fracture Detection

Normal Clavicular Alignment: Assess clavicles for normal alignment and symmetry.

Fracture Identification: Pay close attention to irregularities indicating fractures or dislocations.

2. Lung Apex Visualization: Detecting Pathologies Early

Focus on Lung Apices: Shift attention to lung apices for early detection of pathologies like tuberculosis or tumors.

Comparative Analysis: Compare density and clarity between lung apices for asymmetries or abnormalities.

3. Assessment of Soft Tissues: Beyond Bony Structures

Soft Tissue Examination: Consider soft tissue evaluation, including trachea and blood vessels.

Identification of Masses: Soft tissue masses or tumors may be more apparent in lordotic views.

4. Confirmation of Symmetrical Positioning

Visual Symmetry Checks: Confirm symmetrical positioning by evaluating spinous process alignment.

Clues from Spinous Processes: Ensure equal distance alignment, aiding in identifying rotation or tilt.

5. Attention to Lung Fields: Identifying Nodules and Abnormalities

Systematic Lung Field Analysis: Systematically analyze lung fields for nodules or opacities.

Comparative Analysis: Compare with previous X-rays for new developments or changes.

6. Detection of Pneumothorax and Pleural Effusions

Air and Fluid Levels: Scrutinize lung fields for signs of pneumothorax or pleural effusions.

Comparative Assessment: Confirm findings with standard views for diagnostic accuracy.

7. Alignment of Ribs and Sternum: Assessing Structural Integrity

Evaluate Rib Alignment: Examine rib alignment for consistency.

Sternal Examination: Assess the sternum for abnormalities and alignment.

8. Consideration of Artifact Possibilities

Artifact Identification: Be mindful of artifacts and consider retakes if needed.

Image Retakes when Necessary: Ensure accurate interpretation by retaking X-rays when artifacts compromise clarity.

9. Integration of Clinical History: Contextual Insights

Collaboration with Clinicians: Collaborate to gather patient history for a comprehensive interpretation.

Contribute to Differential Diagnosis: Integration aids in a more accurate differential diagnosis.

10. Continuous Learning and Collaboration: Staying Informed

Engagement with Educational Resources: Stay updated with educational resources specific to lordotic chest X-rays.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaborate with colleagues to share insights and enhance diagnostic accuracy.

Also read: Mastering Clavicle X-ray Positioning in Radiography

Navigating Challenges in Lordotic Chest X-ray Analysis

1. Patient Positioning and Comfort

Challenge: Achieving the lordotic position may be uncomfortable.

Strategy: Prioritize communication, explain the importance, and minimize discomfort through swift image acquisition.

2. Clavicle Superimposition

Challenge: Clavicle superimposition may obscure details.

Strategy: Employ additional views or techniques, such as oblique projections, to reduce superimposition.

3. Limited Visualization of Lower Thoracic Structures

Challenge: Emphasis on upper thoracic region may limit lower thoracic visualization.

Strategy: Supplement lordotic views with standard projections for a comprehensive assessment.

4. Potential Patient Movement Artifacts

Challenge: Patient movement can result in artifacts.

Strategy: Emphasize the importance of remaining still and consider retakes if necessary.

5. Rotation and Tilt Issues

Challenge: Incorrect alignment may lead to rotation or tilt artifacts.

Strategy: Verify patient positioning and adjust to prevent rotation or tilt issues.

6. Overemphasis on Bony Structures

Challenge: Lordotic views may overemphasize bony structures.

Strategy: Balance analysis by integrating findings from other imaging modalities for soft tissue evaluation.

7. Inadequate Training and Skill Standardization

Challenge: Variability in technologist expertise.

Strategy: Implement regular training programs and standardize protocols for consistent quality.

8. Difficulty in Early Detection of Pathologies

Challenge: Early detection in the upper lung regions may be challenging.

Strategy: Leverage enhanced clarity for early detection and combine with clinical history for a comprehensive evaluation.

9. Limited Accessibility for Certain Patient Populations

Challenge: Some patients may find it difficult to assume the lordotic position.

Strategy: Explore alternative imaging methods for patients unable to undergo traditional lordotic chest X-rays.

10. Radiation Exposure Concerns

Challenge: Balancing diagnostic needs with minimizing radiation exposure.

Strategy: Implement effective collimation and advocate for low-dose techniques to mitigate risks.

Advantages and Limitations of Lordotic Chest X-rays

1. Advantages:

Enhanced Clarity of Clavicles: Improved visualization aids in detecting clavicle fractures and abnormalities.

Focus on Upper Lung Apices: Facilitates early detection of pathologies in the upper lung regions.

Improved Nodule Detection: Increases sensitivity in detecting lung nodules, especially in upper regions.

Detailed Assessment: Allows for a detailed evaluation of upper thoracic structures.

Potential for Early Diagnosis: Supports early diagnosis and intervention for improved outcomes.

2. Limitations:

Patient Discomfort: Discomfort during the lordotic position may impact patient cooperation.

Limited Visualization of Lower Thoracic Structures: Emphasis on upper thoracic region may limit lower thoracic assessment.

Clavicle Superimposition: Complete elimination of clavicle superimposition may not always be achieved.

Radiation Exposure Concerns: Balancing diagnostic needs with minimizing radiation exposure is a constant concern.

Dependency on Patient Positioning Accuracy: Accurate patient positioning is crucial for successful lordotic chest X-rays.

Conclusion: A Specialized Perspective for Informed Diagnoses

In conclusion, mastering lordotic chest X-rays requires a comprehensive understanding of their purpose, meticulous technique implementation, and strategic interpretation.

By navigating challenges, leveraging advantages, and acknowledging limitations, radiologists can unlock the full potential of lordotic chest X-rays.

This specialized perspective contributes to more informed diagnoses and enhances the overall quality of patient care in thoracic imaging.

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Dipen Barua

Radiology & Imaging Product Specialist at HSIN Film. Visit site here: