Demystifying AI Part II — AI as a <product-type> (Platform, Service, Software).

Dipika Jain
5 min readFeb 5, 2024


In Part 1, we explored the different AI tech for various industries. Now, let’s leverage that knowledge to dive deeper! This article will guide you through selecting the ideal AI product that aligns seamlessly with your specific needs and goals.

When it comes to actually implementing AI solutions, the confusion deepens with terms like “AI platform,” “AI service,” and “AI software” thrown around. What are the key differences between these offerings, and how do you know which one is right for your needs?

The AI Product Landscape: Three Flavors of Functionality

Let’s outline the key characteristics of AI platforms, services, and software and delve into each category to gain a clearer understanding:

1. AI Platforms: The Construction Zone for Bespoke Solutions

Imagine a vast, digital workshop stocked with tools and materials for building AI applications. That’s essentially what an AI platform provides. It equips developers and data scientists with everything they need to construct custom AI solutions, from development tools and pre-trained models to infrastructure for deployment and scaling.

Key characteristics

  • Flexibility: AI platforms offer a high degree of customization, allowing developers to tailor solutions to specific needs and data.
  • Control: Users have more control over the underlying technology and can build models from scratch or leverage pre-built components.
  • Strong Technical expertise: Utilizing an AI platform effectively often necessitates strong technical skills in areas like machine learning and data science.

Examples of AI platforms

  • Amazon SageMaker
  • Google Cloud AI Platform
  • Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio

Potential use cases and product ideas

  • Personalized healthcare: Build a platform that allows hospitals to develop custom AI models for disease prediction, patient risk assessment, and treatment optimization.
  • Fraud detection: Create a platform for financial institutions to develop AI models for real-time fraud detection and anomaly analysis.
  • Autonomous vehicles: Develop a platform for self-driving car companies to build and train custom AI models for perception, navigation, and decision-making.

2. AI Services: Ready-to-Use Solutions for Quick Wins

Think of AI services as pre-built, modular solutions that address specific tasks or functionalities. These services are often delivered through APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), making them easy to integrate into existing applications or workflows.

Key characteristics

  • Ease of use: AI services are designed to be user-friendly, often requiring minimal technical expertise to implement.
  • Speed to value: Pre-built solutions can be up and running quickly, delivering faster results compared to building from scratch.
  • Limited customization: While some services offer configuration options, they generally provide less flexibility than platforms.

Examples of AI services

  • Google Cloud Vision API (image recognition)
  • Amazon Rekognition (image and video analysis)
  • IBM Watson Language Translator (text translation)

Potential use cases and product ideas

  • Smart retail: Integrate image recognition APIs into self-checkout systems for faster product identification and automated billing.
  • Virtual assistants: Develop a virtual assistant app that leverages voice recognition and language translation services for multilingual customer support.
  • Content moderation: Integrate sentiment analysis services into social media platforms to automatically flag inappropriate content.

3. AI Software: Standalone Applications with Built-in Intelligence

AI software refers to complete applications that embed AI capabilities to deliver specific functionalities. These applications are typically end-user-focused, requiring no coding or technical knowledge to operate.

Key characteristics

  • Accessibility: AI software is designed for ease of use, making AI technology accessible to a wider audience.
  • Focused functionality: These applications address specific tasks or problems, offering a predefined set of features.
  • Limited customization: Similar to services, AI software offers less flexibility compared to platforms.

Examples of AI software

  • Salesforce Einstein (customer relationship management)
  • (predictive analytics)
  • Anodot (anomaly detection)

Potential use cases and product ideas

  • Personalized learning: Develop an AI-powered tutoring app that adapts to individual learning styles and recommends personalized study materials.
  • Financial planning: Create an AI-driven financial advisor app that analyzes user spending habits and recommends personalized investment strategies.
  • Cybersecurity: Develop AI-powered security software that detects and responds to cyber threats in real time.

Choosing the Right AI Solution: A Balancing Act

The optimal choice between AI platforms, services, and software depends on your specific needs and resources. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Technical expertise: If you have a team of skilled developers and data scientists, an AI platform might offer the most flexibility and control. For those with limited technical resources, services or software might be more suitable.
  • Project scope and timeline: For quick wins or specific tasks, AI services or software can deliver faster results. Platforms are ideal for complex projects requiring extensive customization.
  • Budget: AI platforms often come with higher costs due to their flexibility and the resources required. Services and software

In a quick recap, the given framework will help you choose the right AI solution based on your needs.

Define your needs:

  • What specific problem are you trying to solve with AI?
  • What functionalities do you require?
  • What is the desired outcome or impact?

Assess your resources:

  • What is your technical expertise in AI and data science?
  • What is your budget for the project?
  • What is your timeline for implementation?

Evaluate the AI options:

  • Consider AI platforms, services, and software based on their features and limitations.
  • Compare the level of customization, ease of use, and technical expertise required for each option.

Select the best fit:

  • Choose the AI solution that aligns most closely with your needs, resources, and evaluation criteria.
Factors influencing AI product selection

Additional Tips:

  • Start with small projects: Begin with a smaller project to gain experience and refine your understanding of AI before tackling larger initiatives.
  • Consider hybrid approaches: Combine elements from different categories (e.g., platform for core functionality, service for specific tasks) for a customized solution.
  • Seek expert advice: If needed, consult with AI specialists or consultants to help you choose the right solution and navigate the implementation process.


Choosing the right AI is a journey, not a destination.

By carefully considering your needs, resources, and options, you can make an informed decision and leverage the power of AI to achieve your goals.



Dipika Jain

Bring value through innovative thinking in AI/ML. Committed to help organizations to leverage the power of AI successfully.