The ultimate front-end developer roadmap — 2024.

Dip Pal
8 min readMar 9, 2024


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Front-end developers are also known as front-end engineers, front-end web developers, JavaScript Developers, HTML/CSS developers, front-end web designers, and front-end web architects.

Each of these roles mostly encompasses the same front-end development skills but requires different levels of expertise in different front-end development skills. It’s better to look at the job description to get an idea about the job requirements.

1. Basics of Computer

Before you begin your journey, you must know the basics of computers to have a smooth journey. To understand the basics, you must know everything about Computers. Hence, hold a strong grip on the fundamentals so that when you get on advanced topics, these small concepts should be clear.


HTML is like the skeleton of a web page, giving it a basic framework. Just like when you’re building something, you start with the foundation and main structure, HTML is the first step in creating a web page. When you’re starting to learn HTML, it’s best to focus on understanding about 30–40% of its basics first. You don’t need to know everything all at once. It’s like building a structure — you start with the main parts and add details later on.

Photo by Alain Pham on Unsplash

2. CSS

CSS is like the artist’s palette for a web page, bringing it to life with colors, styles, and effects. Once you’ve built the structure with HTML, CSS adds the visual appeal. With CSS, you can make your website look stunning and create a captivating user experience. Mastering CSS allows you to create websites with awesome designs and user interfaces that engage visitors. First time never try to learn and remember all of the whole CSS, learn 30%-40% at least.

Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

3. Basic Projects

Once you’ve gained a basic understanding of HTML and CSS, it’s time to put your skills into practice by building projects. These projects will help reinforce what you’ve learned and give you hands-on experience in creating web pages. Start with simple projects that allow you to apply your HTML and CSS skills effectively. Here are a few easy project ideas to get you started:

  1. Personal Portfolio Website:
  • Create a personal portfolio website to showcase your skills, projects, and achievements.
  • Use HTML to structure the content of your website, including sections for your bio, projects, contact information, etc.
  • Use CSS to style your website, choosing colors, fonts, and layouts that reflect your style.
  • Add images and links to your projects, and make sure your website is responsive so it looks good on different devices.

2. Recipe Book Webpage:

  • Build a simple webpage that displays your favorite recipes.
  • Use HTML to create a list of recipes, including the name of the dish, ingredients, and instructions.
  • Use CSS to style your webpage, making it visually appealing and easy to read.
  • Add images of the dishes to make your webpage more attractive.

3. Travel Destination Guide:

  • Create a webpage that serves as a guide to your favorite travel destinations.
  • Use HTML to create sections for each destination, including information about the location, things to do, places to stay, etc.
  • Use CSS to style your webpage, choosing colors and fonts that evoke the spirit of each destination.
  • Add images of the destinations to give visitors a sense of what they can expect.

Remember to start small and gradually add complexity to your projects as you become more comfortable with HTML and CSS. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try out new things — that’s how you’ll learn and improve your skills! Also, try to extend your knowledge in html and css.

4. Version control system

Version Control System is a platform that helps you to manage the application. Through this, you can make changes in the application such as update, edit, undo, and redo. If you’re a developer, develop a habit of using VCS which keeps a record of your application. You see, new versions of software coming now and then in the market. In this case, the previous version is stored as a file in Git (a VCS platform). It has repositories where all files including the codebase are saved and one can make changes according to the requirement. Anyone (any developer) can collaborate and make changes accordingly.

Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

A list of Version Control Systems are

  1. GitHub _ (Recommended)
  2. Beanstalk
  3. GitLab
  4. Mercurial
  5. Apache Subversion

5. JavaScript

After you have text and color to the website, it’s very important to make it interactive so that the user finds it interesting. JavaScript is a lightweight, open, and cross-platform programming language used by developers worldwide to build amazing websites. It can be used to build client-side and server-side websites as well. Learn at least 30–35% of the first time including DOM manipulation.

Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

6. Interactive projects

After learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript you should implement javascript into the previous projects and make them live. while doing this try to learn more CSS and HTML and extend from previous knowledge to learn according to the project's needs. also try to learn necessary javascript concepts and make a strong base on it.

7. CSS Framework

When you’re new to web development, writing CSS from scratch can be time-consuming and error-prone. That’s where CSS frameworks like Bootstrap come in. Bootstrap provides pre-made styles and components, making it easier to build professional-looking websites without needing advanced CSS skills. It’s like using pre-cut pieces to build furniture instead of starting from scratch. For beginners, Bootstrap is highly recommended as it simplifies the styling process and saves time.

8. Javascript Framework/Library

Once you’ve gained a solid understanding of JavaScript and spent some time practicing, it’s time to explore JavaScript frameworks and libraries. These tools are designed to streamline the development process and make building complex web applications easier and more efficient.

Why Use a JavaScript Framework or Library?

1. Efficiency: Frameworks and libraries provide pre-written code and structures, allowing you to build applications faster and with less effort.

2. Consistency: They offer standardized patterns and conventions, making it easier for teams to collaborate and maintain codebases.

3. Functionality: Many frameworks and libraries come with built-in features and functionalities, such as routing, state management, and data binding, saving you from having to reinvent the wheel.

4. Community Support: Popular frameworks and libraries have large and active communities, offering resources, documentation, and support to help you overcome challenges and learn new techniques.

Popular JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries:

1. React:
— React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, developed by Facebook.
— It’s known for its component-based architecture, which allows you to create reusable UI elements.
— React’s virtual DOM efficiently updates and renders components, resulting in fast and responsive applications.
— Beginner-friendly due to its simple and intuitive syntax.

2. Vue.js:
— Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces.
— It’s easy to pick up and integrates seamlessly with existing projects.
— Vue’s approachable syntax and clear documentation make it beginner-friendly.

3. Angular:
— Angular is a comprehensive JavaScript framework developed by Google.
— It offers a full-featured platform for building single-page applications.
— Angular’s powerful features include dependency injection, routing, and form validation.
— While powerful, Angular has a steeper learning curve compared to React and Vue.

Beginner-Friendly Recommendation: React

For beginners, React is often recommended due to its simplicity and widespread adoption. Its component-based architecture encourages modular and reusable code, making it easy to understand and work with. Additionally, React’s large community and extensive ecosystem provide ample resources and support for newcomers.

So, after mastering JavaScript, consider diving into React to level up your web development skills and build powerful, interactive applications with ease.

Photo by Lautaro Andreani on Unsplash

9. Projects with framework/Library

After learning a javascript library and CSS also do projects with these and compare your projects with those you have done before.

10. Typescript

To advance further in your development journey, consider learning TypeScript. It adds type safety to JavaScript, reducing errors and making your code more reliable and maintainable. With TypeScript, you can catch errors early in the development process, leading to cleaner and more robust code.

11. Deployment

You have done many cool projects but you don’t know how to showcase them . Certainly! Here’s an overview of popular deployment platforms and services, including Vercel, GitHub Pages, Netlify, and others, along with advanced deployment techniques:

1. Vercel:
— Vercel is a cloud platform for deploying static sites, frontend applications, and serverless functions.
— It provides seamless integration with Git repositories (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket) and supports various frameworks like Next.js, React, and Vue.js.
— Vercel offers features such as automatic SSL, custom domains, preview deployments for pull requests, and serverless functions deployment.

2. GitHub Pages:
— GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that allows you to deploy websites directly from GitHub repositories.
— It’s well-suited for hosting documentation, personal portfolios, project landing pages, and simple static websites.
— GitHub Pages supports custom domains, HTTPS encryption, and Jekyll, a popular static site generator.

3. Netlify:
— Netlify is a platform for deploying modern web projects, including static sites, Jamstack applications, and serverless functions.
— It offers features like continuous deployment, automatic HTTPS, instant rollbacks, and split testing.
— Netlify’s Build Plugins extend its functionality, allowing you to integrate with tools like Hugo, Gatsby, or Webpack and automate tasks during the build process.

4. AWS Amplify:
— AWS Amplify is a suite of tools and services for building and deploying full-stack serverless applications on AWS.
— It supports frontend frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, and provides features like authentication, data storage, and GraphQL APIs out of the box.
— Amplify Console offers continuous deployment and hosting for web applications, with features like branch deployments, A/B testing, and CDN caching.


A front-end developer makes the website engaging using their skills with technology. Hence, it’s very important to know how to become a frontend developer. The above-mentioned points should be thoroughly followed to become a front-end developer.

How long does it take to become a Frontend Developer?

The duration to learn all the skills of frontend development can vary from person to person. But 6–9 months is the average duration to become a frontend developer, if you study regularly.

