How to Claim Compensation for Arm Injuries? | Direct Solicitors

Direct Solicitors
5 min readOct 18, 2019

Arm injuries are one of the common types of injuries sustained in an accident. You may have been involved in a road traffic accident, a slip or trip in a public place or an accident at work. Arm injuries can be overlooked as minor, but they can have serious and long term damage such as joint dislocation, bone fracture and amputation in severe cases.

Unfortunately, in arm injury pain can go ignored so if you have suffered arm injury and it was not your fault, then you may be able to claim for compensation for your losses. A solicitor’s firm dealing with personal injury compensations claims will be able to help you in claiming compensation you might be owed.

No one can predict the long-standing influences upper-body injury may have on your life. It may cause you incapacity that you’re not able to work, which can then lead to psychological illnesses. Therefore, it is essential to seek legal advice from a specialised solicitor so they can help you in dealing with the consequences of your injury/illness.

Assessing Arm Injury Severity

The arm comprises of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons, meaning there are several ways in which it could be damaged/injured, but whatever the injury if someone else negligence has caused it then we could assist you to make a personal injury compensation claim.

Your arm extends from your shoulder to your wrist in two parts, the upper arm (from your shoulder to elbow) and forearm (from your elbow to wrist). These parts consist of three bones i.e. Humerus Radius and Ulna.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms below, then it would be advisable to seek medical attention:

  • The pain is sudden and/or very bad
  • You cannot be able to move your arm
  • Your arm or shoulder has changed shape and/or is swollen
  • You feel tingling and prickling sensations that don’t go away
  • There isn’t any sensation in your arm or shoulder
  • Your arm or shoulder area is hot or cold to touch

It is important to obtain medical advice, as a qualified doctor will be able to provide a diagnosis about the severity of the damage caused. This will also assist your solicitors with the compensation claim and help them to instruct the relevant medical-legal expert as part of the claim process.

What Will Your Compensation Consist Of?

As well as looking to get compensation for your injury, your solicitors will also look at potential future losses such as few injuries requiring surgery and future care. To help the solicitors in evaluating your claim, they will also research case studies of similar arm injuries.

Your compensation can include but will not be limited to:

  • Physiotherapy if NHS waiting time is too long
  • Rehabilitation similar to physiotherapy but other forms of treatment recommended by the medical experts
  • Special damages or additional expenditures such as loss of earnings, medical bills, travel cost, damaged clothing, damaged items supported by invoices, receipts etc.
  • General damages will consist of compensation for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity supported by legal, medical reports from medical specialists. These reports then help your solicitor in assessing your injury compensation claim
  • Medical expenditures incurred as a result of the injury such as treatment costs, prescription charges, surgery (If needed), and professional specialist charges. Again supported by receipts and invoices
  • Travelling costs such as to medical appointments in hospital and treatment. So any trip made as a result of the accident/injury. Keeping receipts or note of all journey and dates is useful.

No Win No Fee Agreements

Unfortunately, sufferers sometimes do not wish to claim compensation as they fear the financial burden as well as being an injured party. No Win No Fee agreements could be a benefit to you and less stressful during such a difficult time. This agreement will put your mind at ease as our fees are only charged if the case is successful, which means we will drive harder to ensure you get the maximum amount of compensation you deserve. We aim to make the procedure as less stressful as possible and always keeping you updated on the progress of the claim.

Therefore, if you have experienced an injury as a result of another party’s negligence, then you can discuss your case with our expert solicitors. Our specialised solicitors will explain the procedure in simple terms, so no legal jargon to confuse you. They will evaluate your claim and support you in understanding each step. We are confident in the services we offer. Our legal advice team will be able to provide you with free, confidential, no-obligation advice tailored to your circumstances.

Our No Win No Fee also known as an Agreement Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) is governed by the Law Society, and we pride ourselves to be a reputable firm which adheres to the rules.

What Steps Do You Need To Follow While Making A Claim Compensation For An Arm Injury?

In order to establish a strong and successful case, we would recommend that you do the following:

  • Seek medical attention straight away after your accident and continue to do so if needed
  • Take pictures of the spot where the accident took place
  • Take photographs of your injury/damage
  • Get details of the party involved or party responsible for your safety
  • Get witnesses statement (if any)
  • Keep invoices, receipts and details of any expenses incurred

Accidents can cause shock and distress, so when you feel ready, contact solicitors who will advise you whether you have a claim and what the next steps will be.

Call To Get Free Advice And To Start A Claim

If you have been injured in an accident whether that be a road traffic accident, accident at work or a slip, trip & fall and have suffered an injury, then contact our personal injury solicitors.

Direct Solicitors have handled thousands of cases per year with satisfied customers. Our dedicated team will work hard to get the maximum amount of compensation.Our experienced solicitors await your call where they will provide you with a free no-obligation no win no fee consultation, contact today 08000 250 250.

Originally published at on October 18, 2019.



Direct Solicitors

Direct Solicitors is one of top legal firms, dealing with personal injury cases all over the UK.