Quirks of Pipenv on Travis CI and AppVeyor

Dirk Avery
2 min readJan 10, 2019

My initial impressions of using Pipenv with continuous integration tools Travis CI and AppVeyor are basically good. However, there are a few quirks.

Travis CI

If you’re using a Python build, Travis CI is kind enough to have already plopped you in a virtual environment (using virtualenv) straight out of the box. Fortunately, Pipenv uses virtualenv under the covers so this is not a problem.

If you start using Pipenv, you’ll just be working within the existing virtualenv. As such, you don’t need to start a Pipenv shell or, in other words, activate a virtualenv— you’re already in one! Pipenv is smart enough to latch on to the virtualenv you’re already in.

If you’ve already added a Pipfile or Pipfile.lock to your project, using Pipenv to install all of your project’s dependencies from a Travis CI YAML file is easy:

language: python
- python: 3.5
- python: 3.6
- python: 3.7
dist: xenial
sudo: true
- pip install pipenv
- pipenv install

At this point, you do not need to run pipenv shell or pipenv run <command>, and can simply go on with your bad self:

- pip install pipenv pytest
- pipenv install
- pytest # <== This runs in Pipenv (a/k/a virtualenv)


On the other hand, AppVeyor does not put you in a virtual environment by default so you’ll need to create one.

Also, you might think that putting pipenv shell in your AppVeyor YAML would activate a Pipenv and any commands that follow would run in the Pipenv/virtualenv. Unfortunately, you’d be dead wrong.

Once you issue your pipenv shell command, AppVeyor completely stops doing anything. I imagine a tiny CPU man clocking out early to hit the bar.

To avoid the specter of CPU drunkenness, use pipenv run <command> instead. You can still use the virtual environment, stay in control, and save the liver and, quite possibly, the life of a tiny CPU guy called Clive.

For example, you could use this YAML to install all your project’s dependencies, and run PyTest on your project using Python 3 (AppVeyor defaults to Python 2):

version: '{branch}-{build}'
build: "off"
image: Visual Studio 2015
- pip install pipenv pytest
- pipenv --python 3
- pipenv install
- pipenv run pytest

(Personally, I find the “Visual Studio 2015” build to be faster than AppVeyor’s other options.)



Dirk Avery

Cloud engineer, AI buff, patent attorney, fan of cronuts. AWS Certified Solutions Architect — Professional. Go, Python, automation. https://www.hashicorp.com