Caramelized Onion Risotto

Dirty Dishes
2 min readApr 20, 2020


A love story to make you cry.

Remember the crack onions we made? We found some Arborio Rice in the pantry and realized we had a marriage (if you’re into that kinda thing) made in heaven (if you’re into that kinda thing).

This is a romance anyone can recreate. Here’s what you need…

(4 servings)


  • 1 tbsp olive oil.
  • 3/4 cups Arborio rice
  • 1/4 cup of Crack Onions
  • 3–4 cups stock (recommend this chicken stock)
  • ¼ cup white wine


  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced
  • 3 cups spinach
  • ⅓ cup Goat Cheese
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 tsp. vinegar
  • ¼ cup caramelized onions
  • Pinch Salt
  • Pinch Pepper

Cooking the Risotto:

  • Heat stock until it is simmering (The most important part of making risotto is making sure that the broth you are adding to your rice is already hot and simmering.)
  • In another saucepan, heat oil over medium heat.
  • Add your rice and cook on low until the rice is translucent (ish)
  • Add wine and let absorb.
  • Add a ladleful of stock and a spoonful of caramelized onions and cook until almost absorbed
  • Repeat. Stirring constantly!
  • Repeat this until your rice is al dente and the texture feels right to you. ( you may need more stock, you may need less — use your judgement)

Cooking your veggies:

  • While this is cooking, or after (depends on how many hands you have) — sauté the garlic and mushrooms in a pan.
  • Once the mushies are tasty, add the spinach and sauté.

Poaching your eggs:

  • Boil water on the stove.
  • Add vinegar
  • Crack an egg in a small bowl
  • Swirl water
  • Pour in egg
  • Slowly swirl water
  • When it looks cooked, pull it out with a strainer and put in a small bowl.

Plate that shit:

  • Risotto on the bottom
  • Sautéed veggies next
  • Goat cheese next
  • Poached egg on top of that
  • More caramelized onions on top
  • Salt and pepper. Maybe some paprika if you are feeling feisty.

Eattttttt it.

*Save leftover (or make extra) risotto for Arancini.

