2 min readFeb 26, 2020


Corporate friendly, Pro-War, Oligarchy embraced, Wall Street backed, anti-union are all Right Wing, and accurate descriptors of the current D-party.

Left of Center is union friendly, main street over Wall street, war only if absolutely necessary, staying out of interventionist wars abroad, and apparently Universal Health Care.

It matters less about what’s said, than what is done.

Every D candidate will parrot “Main Street" and talk about fighting “Wall street" while pocketing money from both.

The D-party historically was great. That party doesn’t exist. Third Way neoliberal right wing policies of the last 30 years have erased it.

45+ years of wage theft hasn’t helped either.

The D and R parties Venn diagram overlap 95%. The D-party has been Trumps Assistance not a Resistance.

The impeachment debacle was politically expedient theatre. Big time wrestling sport. Infotainment.




Lefty crackpot with a desire for human kindness over corporate greed. Ranked Choice Voting or we burn this mother down! Solidarity, Equality & Equity!!!!!!!!!!