User Experience Research: What is it?

The Discida Team
3 min readJan 13, 2016


When it comes to product designs there is nothing more devastating than spending the time and money developing a product that simply fails. What is commonly overlooked through the production process is the effectiveness of user experience research. Taking the time to conduct a number of marketing research tests is an easy way avoid launching a product that will be doomed within the first few weeks of its reveal. User experience research will greatly increase the success of your end-result product.

What Is UX Research?

User experience research, commonly referred to as UX research, is done to bring about a better understanding of your users and what their needs are in terms of a product you may be designing. This process is a crucial part of product development because it can easily indicate any issues your design may have and how it appeals to your target audience.

UX research can be done utilizing a number of techniques. These include:

  • Interviews
  • Contextual Inquiries
  • Diary Studies
  • Card Sorting
  • Usability Testing

All these studies allow you to see just how effective your product is and what the user’s experience will be like. Through these tests and research techniques, you can gain a better understanding of what needs more work or what should change completely in term of your product’s design.

How Can UX Research Benefit Your Business?

The main reason utilizing UX Research is a highly beneficial strategy for your product is simply because it allows you to create the right product. Through the UX research techniques, you can easily establish whether or not the market has a demand for your product. This can end up saving you a significant amount of time, and money when it comes to designing your product. You can gain insightful data from actual users prior to making your product publicly available. Less time will be spent developing features users simply will not use and more time can be dedicated to developing features that users like but may not be able to use correctly. UX research takes the guesswork out of development.

By conducting market research throughout the product development process, you will clearly see what requirements you need to incorporate into the design and who you need to make additional changes for. You want to ensure that your target audience will benefit from using your product, and there is no better way the find this out than allowing a select few audience members to test the product before it is completed. The findings you gain from these UX research strategies allow you to easily make the necessary changes to the design of your product before wasting additional time and money on useless layouts, features, or tools.

Conducting UX research for your product can greatly increase the chances of your product’s success. When done correctly these research techniques can help you not only understand your users more but will be able to provide you with the information needed to design a product that is perfectly catered to them.

Originally published at Discida.

