Creating a New Spring Boot Project with Spring Initializer

Vincenzo Di Sciullo
2 min readJan 9, 2024


Spring Boot, a framework simplifying Java-based Spring applications, becomes an even more exhilarating experience with Spring Initializer. This tool streamlines the initiation of a new Spring Boot project, providing a swift and intuitive way to configure dependencies and generate the project's foundational structure. Let's embark on the journey of creating a captivating Spring Boot project using Spring Initializer.

1. Accessing Spring Initializer

Open your favorite browser and navigate to [Spring Initializer]( There, you'll encounter a user-friendly interface, paving the way for a personalized project setup.

2. Configuring the Project

In this section, furnish essential information about your project. Specify the language (Java or Kotlin), Spring Boot version, and project name. Additionally, choose the packaging (jar or war) and your desired Java version.

3. Adding Dependencies

A standout feature of Spring Initializer is the ability to incorporate dependencies into your project. This can be done in the "Dependencies" section. For instance, if you're developing a web application, select "Spring Web." Other common dependencies include "Spring Data JPA" for data access and "Thymeleaf" for templating.

4. Generating the Project

Once configuration is complete, click "Generate" to fetch your project. A zip file will be downloaded, containing the foundational project structure with all dependencies configured.

5. Importing the Project into the IDE

Extract the downloaded zip file and import the project into your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse. Ensure you have Java and Spring support installed in your IDE.

6. Developing the Project

Now, dive into the development of your Spring Boot project. Add classes, controllers, services, and more according to your requirements. You can also configure the `` file to customize application settings.

7. Running and Testing

After developing your project, execute it from your IDE. Spring Boot includes a built-in server, simplifying the execution of your application. Open your browser and visit `http://localhost:8080` (or the specified port) to witness your application in action.

With these steps, you've successfully crafted a new Spring Boot project using Spring Initializer. Now you're ready to further explore Spring's capabilities and develop robust, scalable applications. Happy coding!

