The Disconnect
2 min readSep 13, 2015


The day starts when God lights the sky on fire and the dark burns away. It’s a temporary fix. The flames will die out and the night will take over. But for now, it’s morning. And the possibilities are endless. Which, depending on your point of view, can sound like a promise or a warning. Morning can be a call to adventure. Or the start of another weary day. I’d like to see myself as one of the adventurers. Someone who gets up, looks at the rising sun, and starts running toward whatever this new day is going to bring. But the key to true adventure is an element of the unknown, the uncertain. And that doesn’t sync well with a desire to feel in charge. So for me, that infinite possibility thing becomes an ever-present threat to my desire for control. All my little plans and schemes for the day, the way I picture everything unfolding, could easily get caught in the flames. And that can be a wonderful thing if I understand that most of what I was holding onto was junk anyway. Or if not junk, let’s at least admit that they were small dreams. Limited by my fearful perspective. Not the sort of dreams that God throws out there for us to latch onto. The kind that challenge us, that force us to lean on Him. The kind that becomes a test of faith. But also a test of God. Try it and see. See if He doesn’t come through. Maybe, again, not exactly the way we pictured it. But see if His dreams don’t come through in ways that are far above and beyond what we thought they ever could be.

If I could look at things from that perspective, that morning day sky would be more promise than threat. Or maybe it would be a reminder. The day’s on fire. Am I?