
Discord Bot List
1 min readAug 25, 2018


Introducing Discord Bot List! A new, shiny, list of discord bots!


We noticed a majority of members in the Discord Bot community were displeased with the state and actions of leading bot lists. Due to this, we’ve decided to make a new one, with a few good ethos.

  • All bots will get the chance to be seen on the front page while the competitive guys still get to sit up there. We have an algorithm which makes the front page 2/3 most upvoted bots, 1/3 new bots, randomised.
  • Your page won’t get filled with ads. If the time ever comes that we need to advertise. We won’t have weird autoplaying videos or force mobile apps onto you or anything.
  • We’re kind. We believe that no one should have their rights to use the site removed for causing drama in our Discord Server, or junk like that. If you get yourself banned in our Discord Server, you don’t get banned on the site.

This medium account has been changed to represent our new name. We hope you’ll add your bots to our site and get the exposure you deserve!

Discord Bot List



Discord Bot List

Posts about everything discord bots from music bots to bot lists! Follow to stay up to date with the best bots for your server.