Stop Comparing and Start Living

2 min readJul 13, 2016


There comes a time in your life when you stop comparing yourself to other people. You’re simply better off. No two people are the same, just like no two fingerprints are the same. So, why compare yourself? You’re not going to find what you’re searching for and that is happiness. Happiness comes from within. And, that’s something that you have to find from within yourself and your emotions. Once you do, you’ll be much happier. So, stop comparing and start living. Life the life that you wish to life and not that someone else tells you to live. The next time someone try to compare you to someone else, tell him/her that he/she won’t be happy either. Or don’t tell them. Maybe they’re better off learning the hard way and by themselves. You never know what you’re going to run into or who you’re going to run into. So, live each day the way you would want to rather than someone else’s expectations of you. Hope that helps someone out right there! If not, it helped me clear my head a little. And, ultimately, that’s why I do this. I do this because I need to clear my head and emotions. No point in holding it all in. So, all the best of luck to you in your own self-discovery. Remember, to not let anyone’s control get the best of you. You’re the one who holds the power to get through this rough time. Push pass it and I promise the rest will be history. Be free, be you, be unwritten.

Yours truly,

Discover. Free. Unwritten.




I started this blog to help others and myself who struggle with finding themselves and happiness. Please read posts daily to learn more about me and yourself.