Learning to Live as a 3/5 Projected Projector

Ka Thao
3 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Matt Hardy: https://www.pexels.com/photo/shallow-focus-photo-of-road-2624031/

Have you ever felt like the odd one out in your family? If you have, this story is for you. Growing up in a family of seven kids as a Hmong Asian American wasn’t always easy for me. My childhood feels like a quick blur, and I didn’t get the chance to fully understand or slow down to remember much. What I do remember is that I often felt like I didn’t quite fit in, whether it was at home or in my surroundings. My way of thinking and handling things was different from what my family expected, which made me feel isolated. This also led me to be quiet and withdrawn at school. There were moments in my youth when I felt carefree and wild, but those memories have now faded.

It took many years and life experiences for me to discover something called “human design.” I took a quiz and found out I’m a 3/5 Projected Projector. I didn’t know what that meant at first, but when I read my human design profile, I realized that I was meant to be unique, like the “black sheep” of the family. I was meant to go through life the hard way, and that’s what I chose. I prefer the longer and more challenging path instead of the easy one. For instance, if there’s construction on the highway with a 5-minute delay, I’d rather take the longer route using smaller roads to avoid it. This is something I’ve been doing for years, without even realizing it. By taking these detours, I’ve become more familiar with different ways to get around when there’s traffic on the expressway. I’ve been able to help others find their way, and people often turn to me for advice and guidance.

However, my desire to help everyone led to me not setting healthy boundaries in my social circle. This caused a difficult period in my life, leading to depression in 2018 and eventually leaving my office job.

Through a lot of self-reflection, I came to understand that everything that happened in my life, whether by choice or not, was meant to be. I now make sense of my life as a 3/5 Projected Projector. I’ve learned some important things:

  1. No one is better or more valuable than anyone else, whether they are humans or other creatures.
  2. You don’t need approval or validation from others to be yourself.
  3. Setting healthy boundaries is important for your well-being and for the people you choose to have in your life.
  4. It’s okay to feel different; it’s a part of who you are.
  5. You are capable of more than you might think.
  6. While there may be bad days, there are also plenty of good ones.
  7. You don’t need someone else to complete you; you are whole on your own.

These are the things I’ve figured out while living my life as a 3/5 Projected Projector. There’s always more to learn, but the most important lesson is that it’s okay to be yourself, and it’s great to celebrate what makes you unique.



Ka Thao

Digital Creator | 3/5 Projector | Making Money Online |