To our fellow Australians from the people of Tasmania.

Discover Tasmania
3 min readOct 20, 2014

Today, Tasmania was announced as one of Lonely Planet’s Top 10 Regions to Visit in 2015. In fact we came 4th. In the world. And until life is found on another planet or commercial space travel becomes a reality, you could say Tassie is the 4th most recommended place in the universe.


While this is an achievement many would be proud of, we feel we let down the country. You see we are the only Australian region in the top 10. In fact, we are the only place in Australia that made any of Lonely Planet’s Top 10 lists for the upcoming year. Be that as it may we think we owe it to our fellow statesmen to find out why we weren’t numero uno.


It’s a question that has left us a little confused. You see these types of accolades are nothing new to us. For example, our Bay of Fires was named ‘hottest’ destination on the planet.

In the words of Lonely Planet, “The diversity of offerings from Tasmania’s plate may require multiple helpings.” We couldn’t agree more.

Our culinary delights are the pride of the state and the envy of others, with the majority of our food bred, grown or caught within an oyster shell throw of where it’s prepared and served.

Not to be outdone our beers, ciders, whiskeys and wines are among the world’s finest. Sure, having the world’s purest water helps and is perhaps why one of our whiskies was named best in the world. And while we’re not necessarily famous for our weather (beautiful one day, even more beautiful the next), it does attract some of the greatest wine makers on earth.

So if it’s not the fresh food, pure water or perfect wine growing weather, is it the air down here?

Well it’s been scientifically proven that ours is amongst the cleanest in the world.* Okay, maybe it’s our history. Colourful, yes. Controversial, definitely. Probably why we’re home to more than half of Australia’s World Heritage Listed Convict Sites.

On our land you can find four of the 7 Great Walks of Australia. In our seas, the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) recently reported an influx of NSW octopuses travelling down to make love here rather than ‘doing it’ in their own backyard.

There’s also ‘super-cool’ Hobart (their words, not ours), coincidentally one of Lonely Planet’s ‘Top 10 Cities to Visit’ last year. We could go on and on but we don’t want to come across as sore losers.

But we do want to apologise that we weren’t higher up the list: a decision that has left ourselves and our visitors baffled.


To make things right, we’re offering you the chance to see for yourself what one of the world’s most desirable regions is really like. Stay with us for 3 nights and pay only $385, for accommodation and car hire. Naturally terms and conditions apply.

While the Lonely Planet judges have made up their mind, perhaps we can sway yours. And when the judges do come back we’re certain they won’t make the same mistake twice.

*The not so grim Cape Grim Greenhouse Gas Data July 2014



Discover Tasmania

The official account to follow if you dream of escaping to Australia's island state. For industry and media information, follow @tourismtasmania.