How to deal with people of different personalities in the workplace

DISC Profile
2 min readMar 21, 2018


Human has a very complex mind and only after detail analysis and decades of research, we are slowly beginning to grasp some of its secrets and how it operates. One such feature that has created a great stir in the professional world of behavioural analysts is the likely impact of one’s own personality in his decision making capability. The impact of this issue is so widespread and important both for the society as a whole and the business in particular that more and more corporates are now increasing their focus on developing and moulding the personality of their employees in such a way that their workplace productivity and efficiency increases. To go into this vital issue, we require a very comprehensive approach. While the personalities of individuals may differ, there is no proof that a particular personality makes an individual in any way inferior to another with a different personality trait. Through decades of research in human behaviour, it was conclusively proved that every individual can be trained to do every kind of job. However, it was also found out to be correct that, some individuals are more suited to do some specific jobs based on their personality. To give an example to prove this point we find that there is some job requires a person to be very resolute with loads of self-confidence whereas some other job profile requires a person to be socially outgoing love collaborating with others to complete a job.

As we begin to realise the importance of one’s personality in his approach to work, it is important that while creating a team in the workplace, the right person should be appointed for the right post to create a harmony among the team members. In view of the importance of one’s personality, it becomes incumbent on the part of the management to first find out the personality of a person and then allot him that job that suits his personality. To help them in this task, the can take the help of the revolutionary DiSC profile personality test. It is a highly accurate personality development program developed by the DiSC that provides a comprehensive report about an individual’s personality traits by getting him to answer a few objective type questions online.

After you have given the test, the algorithm behind the DiSC profile personality test goes through all the answers and give each a proper marker and then finally collate all the answers to get a detailed report of your personality. This report helps a worker to find his inherent strengths and how he can use it to his benefit, whereas the manager can use it to motivate the individual in his workplace.

