Why is understanding your strengths and weaknesses important?

DISC Profile
3 min readNov 10, 2017


No man is perfect. All of us have some weakness or the other. The important thing is that we should be aware about these weaknesses of ours. Not only weaknesses, but our strengths as well. Knowing about these strengths and weaknesses is essential especially when you are applying for a job. Out there, there is a lot of competition. It isn’t easy gaining an edge over the other candidates. But one thing you can do is figure out your strength and exploit it to its full potential. You need to push yourself, it is important to expand your horizons. But how do you figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are? How do you get to know if you are good for a job or not?

Many employers test the personality of candidates to figure out if they will gel well with the other employees and be a good fit for the company. If you want to test your own personality, you should go for disc assessment tool. This is an assessment which helps you gain insights regarding your own personality. It also explains to you why you behave the way you do. This assessment is being increasingly used in a number of companies as it helps the employers understand who is perfect for which job position. By assigning the right man to the right job post, employers ensure that the employee is happy to a great extent. The happiness of your employees is extremely important as if an employee is happy with his job he will work more efficiently. When every employee starts work more efficiently, the work gets done at a faster pace. This means that the target of the company can be achieved earlier. Also when an employee does the work that he likes, he completes it with minimal wastage of resource by optimally utilizing whatever he has at hand. As an employee, you can test your profile with disc assessment tools.

so that you know whether you are perfect for a job or not.

Employees are responsible for the success of the company. It is important to make them feel valued and cared for so that they don’t quit their jobs. Employee turnover is one of the worst things for any company. Finding a new employee who was as competent as the last, if not better is a very difficult task. You need to screen hundreds of employees to find the right one, and even then you can only hope that he is as good as the last. You need to teach everything anew and go through the processes again which takes up a lot of time. So rather than wasting time and resources on doing so, make your existing employees feel valued. Give them challenging work so that they are excited to do their job and actually look forward to it.

