PinnedBuilding and Extending Kubernetes: Writing My First Custom Controller with GoThe world of Kubernetes (K8s) is a playground for those who love to explore the depths of cloud-native technologies. It offers endless…Feb 5Feb 5
PinnedUnpacking GitOps — A GitHub-to-EKS Odyssey Through Terraform and ArgoCD with GitHub ActionsWelcome aboard this short exploratory series born from holiday downtime. Amid the winter quiet, when faced with the choice of Netflix…Jan 9Jan 9
Published inGoogle Cloud - CommunityUnderstanding GCP Authentication: Workload and Workforce Identity in ActionSome IntroductionOct 7Oct 7
Kubernetes Traffic Management: Combining Gateway API with Service Mesh for North-South and…IntroductionSep 231Sep 231
Introduction to the Gateway API: Revolutionizing Kubernetes NetworkingAs Kubernetes continues to evolve, so do the networking challenges that come with managing complex, distributed microservices at scale…Sep 22Sep 22
Enhancing Kubernetes Logging Capabilities: Logging with Fluentd, Fluent Bit, and Loki — Part 1In the context of debugging in a K8s production environment, the importance of logging cannot be overstated. As a DevOps engineer…Feb 29Feb 29
Understanding Canary Deployments in Kubernetes Part 2: Implementing CRDs, Controllers, and TestingWelcome back to our series on automating canary deployments in Kubernetes! In the first part, we introduced Kubernetes operators and the…Feb 15Feb 15
Understanding Canary Deployments in Kubernetes Part 1: Introduction to Operators and the Operator…With the intent of contributing to the K8s community, I often find myself pondering the vast landscape of deployment strategies that K8s…Feb 11Feb 11
The Continuous Confusion: Demystifying CI, Continuous Delivery, and DeploymentIn the world of software development, there’s a troubling trend I’ve noticed, one that really grinds my gears.😤 Too often, people…Jan 24Jan 24
Unpacking GitOps Part 4: Integrating ArgoCD for Automating EKS DeploymentsWelcome back to our GitOps series, where we’re unfolding the integration of EKS, ArgoCD, Terraform, and GitHub Actions. In our previous…Jan 21Jan 21