Make money with AI
Make money with AI

Top 7 ways to make money with AI

In this blog post, we will explore the top 7 ways to make money with AI, including personal experience, research, and opinions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that has the potential to revolutionize many industries, including blogging:-

Dishu Bansal
5 min readOct 11, 2023


  1. Write Blogs or Copywrite with AI Writers
  2. Create and Sell AI-generated artwork
  3. Indie Product Development
  4. Freelance as a Digital Marketer
  5. Sales Ops Optimization
  6. Professionally Edit Photos
  7. Use AI to Improve Productivity

Write Blogs or Copywrite with AI Writers

AI content writers can do everything from blog posts and social media updates to long-form articles and reports. This opens up a world of lucrative opportunities for content creators and digital marketers. Businesses are always on the hunt for fresh, engaging content — it’s what helps them climb the search engine ranks, captivate their audience, and cement their authority in their industry[6]. One of the best tools I found is Jasper. The best thing about Jasper is that it gives…



Dishu Bansal

AI enthusiast, Dishu Bansal. Simplifying AI on Medium. Dive into my work at Let's explore the world of AI together!