Antidote to Nihilism — Part III: Conquering the Abyss

Siddharth Rajesh
4 min readJan 25, 2024


In the final part of the “Antidote to Nihilism” trilogy, we conquer nihilism!

Thought, balance, evolving belief systems, and perspectives all exist only in the realm of the mind. The stark reality is that all these aspects appear futile and meaningless when confronted with physical reality. As you slouch on your couch, absorbed in this philosophical quest, you remain the same person, and the tangible world outside your thoughts remains unchanged.

To completely vanquish nihilism, one must devote their life to a goal larger than oneself. This becomes the essence and purpose of their life. Purpose doesn’t have to be a divine revelation or a sudden epiphany. Instead, it is a quest for self-discovery — a journey of trial and error to reveal what resonates with one’s inherent nature and what keeps their spirits most alive in the process rather than fixating on the end result.

Here’s a practical way to discover your purpose:

Step 1) Write down a list of all your interests that have endured for over a year.

Step 2) Meditate on the question, What are you willing to sacrifice your life for? This introspection serves as a compass, guiding you toward your purpose and steering you away from leisure hobbies.

Once the compass points you in a specific direction, the real magic lies in action. Intellectual humility, logic, and rationale act as a mental armor preventing a downward spiral. However, to breathe life into one’s purpose and manifest changes on a physical level, one must act upon their purpose. In this process, maintaining a balance between action & introspection is crucial. Introspection serves as a reminder of one’s initial beginnings and ultimate purpose.

One of the biggest barriers to acting upon one’s purpose is laziness. Given the brain’s natural inclination towards instant gratification, laziness becomes a pressing problem. The battle against laziness is one that requires constant vigilance. The moment you yield, it engulfs you into its darkness.

Pretty scary, huh? The root of all fear lies in its uncertainty. Let’s demystify this uncertainty of laziness.

The nature of laziness is such that it only thrives in the absence of a direction or a purpose. Once it takes control, it tricks the brain and prevents it from moving against the inertia. To combat it, one must engage in consistent action toward their purpose. Take breaks with caution. Use the principle of balance to incorporate relaxation periods with activities that keep the momentum alive. This prevents the extreme of a complete hiatus, averting a descent into a downward spiral.

However, pursuing a purpose alone is insufficient. To truly end nihilism, one must strive to become a well-rounded human being. Material success is only one facet of life; having a support system of well-wishers to celebrate achievements instills meaning to the accomplishments.

The path to creating a solid support system is through this one crucial mindset. Like stagnant water that stinks, material success becomes meaningless when confined to oneself. Paradoxically, sharing high virtues like knowledge, money, trust, and respect amplifies the abundance of these in our lives.

But why must I share? Isn’t it obvious that I lose what I earn if I share? Why must I throw away my hard-earned values for free?

This is where introspection and reflection present the answer. You look back and realise your life has been a giant rollercoaster ride, and you have now come to a place of purpose and direction. You have a noble goal. At this point, you must acknowledge the shared human experience of confusion, struggles, and the relentless pursuit of purpose in one’s own subjective ways. A beggar envies the lavish lifestyle of the rich, while the rich envy the beggar for their simple and minimalistic lifestyle. You have to realise that we are all stuck in the same boat. We are all equally lost, doubting our existence and the real purpose of all of this. Be that helping hand for someone else that you wished for during your own struggles.

The journey to conquer nihilism is not merely replacing your nihilistic thoughts with purpose and material success; it involves leaving a positive imprint that resonates in the hearts of others. It’s not just about individual achievement; it’s about the collective.

Impact is the only real power you hold over another human.

Your true success isn’t measured by the size of your bank balance on your deathbed; it’s reflected in the number of people who choose to visit and shed a tear for you after you are gone. That’s genuine loyalty, and that’s what truly matters. After your physical presence fades away, your existence lives on in the memories of those you’ve touched. Make sure that memory is positive, cheerful, and ever-lasting.

You are the architect of your destiny, and this, my friend, is the ultimate antidote to nihilism.



Siddharth Rajesh

A curious student of life aiming to fathom this unfathomable universe