By the people, for the people

3 min readOct 30, 2023

- D’island World introduces “Citizens” as the foundational players in the game, offering low-entry access.
- Citizens can rent island places, purchase adventure tickets, and engage in activities like gacha games.
- Becoming a citizen is easy but requires productivity and contributions.
- Citizens can embark on treasure quests with a chance to prosper.
- They share their adventure rewards with island lords, ship owners, and fellow crew members based on specific proportions.

Introducing D’island World: CITIZENs

Citizen are the lowest class players in-game, yet are the core foundation to build a strong in-game world. Citizen are important, that is why a low-entry system are built for mass adoption. Citizens will:

Sign-up for renting place on islands
Buy ticket for adventures in search for reward
Gacha/Idle game activities
And many more…

Sign-up/Registration: Every citizen need a place to settle, that is inevitable. In order to survive from the harsh world outside and prepare themselves for the up coming adventures, protections from powerful landlords is needed. Becoming a citizen is an easy and cost-free process, but maintaining that status can be difficult since one must be productive and contribute to the community and island lords. The lords who govern the land have the authority to deny citizenship if one is not sufficiently active.

Buy tickets for adventures: Individuals who are citizens may start with no valuable assets, but they have a great chance to set sail on a quest looking for treasure. There are even chances available to everyone to prosper and improve themselves in D’islands world To participate in the adventure, they must purchase a ticket and select a competent and powerful captain ( aka: Ship owners), to guide them on the dangerous yet promising journey. Adventures offers the possibility of discovering fortune and in-game items, and upon successful completion of the quest, they may return home with a significant rewards.

Gacha/Idle Game Activities: Within the D’islands World, citizens will encounter a variety of mini-games that offer them a chance to prosper and reap the rewards they rightly deserve. D’islands is a realm brimming with limitless potential, creativity, and opportunities, calling for hard work, intelligence, and ingenuity from its inhabitants.

IMPORTANT: citizen are obligated to share there reward earned after each adventures for their ship owner and island lords in return for their protection and opportunity given, the proportions are different, and determined by island lords and ship owners

The reward from adventure will be divided propotionally between:

CITIZEN ( Crew member on the winning ship)

The world of D’islands and its “Citizens” exemplify a unique and engaging gaming ecosystem. These foundational players enjoy accessible entry, enabling them to rent island dwellings, partake in exciting adventures, and participate in various activities like gacha games. Becoming a citizen is a straightforward process, but it comes with the responsibility of productivity and contributions to the community and island lords, who hold the power to grant or deny citizenship.

This marks the beginning of our exploration into the D’islands ecosystem and the crucial role that each individual play in shaping this extraordinary virtual world. Stay tune!

