Unlocking the new potential of Web3 Gaming

5 min readOct 1, 2023

In the world of Web3 Gaming, the concept of “Play and Earn” has been gaining momentum, yet its true value is often overlooked. At D’islands, we firmly believe that ‘Play and Earn’ is a pivotal feature for every Web3 game project, warranting a closer examination. In this article, we will delve deeper into why ‘Play and Earn’ is a game-changer and how it can revolutionize the Web3 gaming industry.

First, to be straightforward, Web3 games graphics and gameplay don’t quite match up to the immersive experiences offered by traditional gaming platforms like PCs or PS4s. The question arises: why should players invest their time and effort in Web3 games?

This is where the concept of “Play and Earn” steps in. It offers players a tangible incentive to engage with the game, making their involvement more meaningful and rewarding. While this might be apparent to some, there’s a deeper layer to this phenomenon.

1. Incentivizing Engagement:

In the ‘Play and Earn’ model, one of the most prominent forms of incentivization is the distribution of cryptocurrency tokens. These tokens, often unique to the game’s ecosystem and built on blockchain technology, hold real-world value. Players earn these tokens by achieving in-game milestones, completing quests, or participating in various game-related activities. As these tokens accumulate, they can be used for a wide range of purposes, including trading, investment, or even converting them into fiat currency, thereby providing players with a direct financial incentive to immerse themselves in the game world.

2. Ownership and Asset Value:

In traditional games, players have little to no control over the virtual items they accumulate during gameplay. These items are stored on centralized servers managed by the game developer, effectively rendering players as mere users of the game. In contrast, Web3 games leverage blockchain’s decentralized nature, enabling players to possess their in-game assets as unique digital assets on a public ledger. This not only guarantees the authenticity and provenance of these assets but also ensures that players have a permanent and transparent record of ownership. This level of transparency fosters trust among players and creates a secure environment for asset trading.

The significance of this true ownership extends far beyond the confines of the game world. In Web3 gaming, in-game assets are often represented as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), a type of blockchain-based asset. These NFTs have intrinsic value both within and outside the game, as they can be bought, sold, or traded in various digital marketplaces. This dynamic transforms in-game items into valuable digital collectibles or investments with real-world worth.

3. Economic Empowerment:

‘Play and Earn’ opens doors for economic empowerment within gaming. Players can trade, sell, or leverage their in-game assets in various ways. This introduces the concept of a ‘metaverse economy,’ where players can earn a living by playing and engaging in virtual worlds. Yet, it’s crucial to understand that while the ‘metaverse economy’ offers opportunities for economic empowerment, it comes with its fair share of challenges and risks. Players must be prepared to navigate market fluctuations, be vigilant against scams, and stay informed about regulatory considerations. Success in this virtual landscape hinges on a solid grasp of the virtual economy, effective risk management, and a foundation in financial literacy. On the other hand, Developers must design an economic progression system that keeps players engaged as they advance. A balanced economy ensures that players experience a sense of accomplishment as they work towards acquiring rare or valuable assets, creating a rewarding sense of progression.

Balancing the game’s economy is important, and this means carefully handling how players get and use in-game money. Sink activities, like items breaking or fees, should give players useful ways to spend their money so that prices don’t get too high and control inflation. Sources, like quests, activities or achievements, should give players valuable things that make the game more fun and interesting.

4. Fairness and Transparency:

For a long time, the relationship between game publishers and players has been one-sided. Players spend countless hours playing games for their own entertainment, while game publishers reap the profits. Although some players can monetize their gameplay by streaming, it is a difficult and lengthy process, and not everyone can succeed. On the other hand, game publishers can easily generate millions in profits through various means such as game sales, in-game event sales, and package sales. They hold all the power, especially in online games that rely on centralized servers, which allows them to direct and control the game to their liking. This means they can ban players from the game for good or bad reasons, or even worse, shut down the server once the game is no longer profitable, leaving players with nothing to show for the hours of effort they put into the game and the in-game assets they accumulated

It is obvious that the balance is in favor of the game publisher. Yet, Web3 gaming embraces transparency thanks to blockchain technology. ‘Play and Earn’ ensures that rewards are distributed fairly, eliminating concerns about biased game mechanics or hidden algorithms that can disadvantage players.

5 A WIN-WIN relationship:

In traditional gaming, the interests of players and developers can sometimes conflict. ‘Play and Earn’ aligns these interests, as the success of the game directly benefits both parties. Developers are incentivized to create engaging experiences, and players are rewarded for their efforts.

But here’s the most important thing that we need to remember:

“ ‘Play and Earn’ is inevitable, but it’s not the only thing we should concentrate on.”

If we only care about reward, the game itself might suffer. People might only care about making money and forget why games are fun.

Therefore, ”Play and Earn” is still a big deal in Web3 games. Yet we have to think about it in a smart way. We can’t just think about rewards. We also have to think about how the in-game ecosystem functions alongside its economy. We need to find a balance. “Play and Earn” can bring players in, but we also have to make sure the game itself is fun and interesting. We can’t forget what makes games awesome and memorable.


In conclusion, things are not always straightforward, and there are numerous variables that can influence the outcome we desire. These variables need to be tested and experimented with in real-time, which we will discuss later. Nonetheless, at D’islands, we are confident that with careful research, thorough study, and testing, we can fully capitalize on the benefits offer “Play and Earn” has to offer. Stay tune for more!


