Today marked my third week learning Growth marketing course. I learnt the first section of Email Marketing, and a full Facebook ads course. Social paids ads and email marketing are critical in growth marketing, so I decide to dive into these 2 courses and gain some insights.

Last week and earlier this week, I’ve learnt technical SEO in which a lot of terminologies I know little about, after this course, I feel more confident in dealing with technical seo challenges. I plan to analyze one shopify store next week by following the author’s advice, along with Shopify technical seo tutorial, practise while learning is the shortcut to achieve more.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing is very foundamental and still plays an important role in today’s social media world. One of the big keys that email has over other channels is that it gets read, it gets delivered. There is 20–30% open rates in email marketing compared with only 2% organic read rate in social media with budget investment.

Here is the data support: according to Litmus 2018, emails drives the best ROI of any marketing channel, $38 for every $1 invested.

How to have a good deliverability

  • Get permission, make sure somebody on the email list because they take an action to opt in (That means I give them some value in exchange for permission so they opt in).
  • Set expectations on frequency, value, security

How to avoid potential law risk

  • Accurately identify the sender
  • Working opt-out mechnism
  • Include a physical address(or P.O.Box)
  • Messages and subject line must have clear intent
  • Don’t commit fraud
  • Also take account of CASL(Canada), GDPR(EU), CCPA(California)

How to plan a holistic content marketing calendar

  • It shouldn’t be just an email calender, it should align with other content channel
  • Set goals and define metrics for success

How to test and track the performance

  • Conversions > clicks > Opens
  • Test ideas: Subject lines, Day of week, frequency, personalization, discount/price
  • Also watch out for negative metrics: bounces, unsubscribers, complaints

How to use Email’s secret weapon Data?

(Auther will reveal a lot knowledge in the forth lesson)

Facebook Ads

There are lots of Facebook ads training courses on Youtube and on Udemy, This Facebook Ads course do give me lots of insights that other similiar courses fail to deliver, this course is so detailed on how to earn client’s heart phychologically. It focus on the level of influence which is very unique and impressive, Curt emphasize the importance repeatedly of “influence” instead of other metrics like “clicks” or “conversions”, and also video is the one of the pillar fact in effective facebook marketing.

According to Curt’s theory, lots of media buyers leave lots of money on the table, that’s why the B.E.L.T method appears as a way to rethink our customer journey. Belief-engage-lead-transact model provides us a sound theoretical basis where we can build actual campaign on.

Curt encouraged us to think about customer journey as a digital newspaper, TOFU should be the cover page of the newspaper to be appealing enough to get completly new people into sales cycle, MOFU like the inner content of the newspaper other than cover page, there are many different content in it try to understand the customer segment, know the customer better, test as many as various potential influence facters that would affect customer’s performance/behavior.

There are several strategies involved: the golden ads strategy, hot28/7, Dollar-a-day, Power5, we should not take these as granted, instead, we should think what are behind these strategies, explore further, understand the essence of the social media / pursuasive marketing.

I will review this course when running Facebook ads campaign, it will help me figure out what works or not.

