Distense Development Update

1 min readMar 27, 2018


We started building Distense over six months ago and are pleased to release our first development update.

From the initial architectural design of a newly conceived project, to reaching 100% test coverage on the alpha version of our smart contracts, we’re excited about our progress so far.

Recent Milestones

  • Publishing an introductory blog post last week.
  • Adding the ability for any DID holder to exchange their DID for ether.
  • Adding an eleventh governance parameter: the Number of DID Required to Add Task parameter. This limits proposing new work to those who own at least 100 DID, our governance and economic token.
  • Greatly increasing test coverage in our frontend repo which should lead to increased development and code review efficiencies going forward.
  • Beginning to hire full-time engineers: a frontend engineer and a Solidity engineer. If you know anyone who might be a good fit, please reach out to us!
  • A new logo!

What’s Next

Our next major milestone will be launching on the mainnet in the next few days.

Get Involved

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