Bring Your Logo to Life: 20 Gorgeous Logo Animations to Inspire You

Distillery Tech
5 min readApr 2, 2019


Logos help bring brands to life. Logo animations can take your brand a step further, helping you tell the story of your brand.

People connect more deeply with logos that are engaging and interesting. A good logo leaves a clear image of the product or company in viewers’ minds long after they’ve seen it. By adding motion that helps to tell a brand’s story, animated logos can be highly effective in making a lasting impression.

Why? Well, motion reliably draws users’ attention. An animation is like a heartbeat. It brings life and soul to a product or an idea. With logo animation, you can convey meaning without words. You can reveal a brand’s values, style, features, and differentiators, making it instantly recognizable.

Haven’t animated your logo yet? Or simply uncertain that your logo animation hits the mark? Time to get inspired by logo animations from some of the world’s leading brands.

1. Convey your brand’s colors into motion, like Google.

via Dribble

2. Represent your approach in the logo animation itself, like Amazon.

via YouTube

3. Turn negative space into a positive, as in these logo animations for Skype and Lighthouse № 6.

via Dribble
via Dribble

4. Reveal your brand’s values, just as FireFox has done with speed.

via Dribble

5. Add dimension to your logo, like Burger King and Nintendo.

via YouTube

6. Use your logo’s key feature to show motion — like FedEx, whose business is motion.

via YouTube

7. Go wild like National Geographic, splitting your logo in the animation.

via Dribble

8. Make your logo animation instantly recognizable, like Uber.

via Uber

9. Make it fun! Fanta and Muzli’s animations focus on making viewers smile.

via Dribble
via Muzli

10. Use animation to illustrate your brand’s features and focus, like Dell, Sello, and Google Play.

via Dribble
via Dribble
via Dribble

11. Put motion around your main features, like Shazam.

via Dribble

12. Tell a whole story start to finish with just your logo animation, like MasterCard.

via Dribble

13. Use it to showcase your product, as Intel does with chips and the London Warriors do with their athletes’ warrior-like helmets.

via Dribble
via YouTube

14. Make it smooth and sleek, like Brikk.

via Dribble

15. Give it a touch of hand-drawing, like Sono Sanctus and Tangles.

via Dribble
via Dribble

16. Take one from Pinterest’s book and use your logo animation to convey the concept of your brand.

via Dribble

17. Build upon what you already have, just as Nike has by using their iconic swoosh.

via JUST Creative

18. Level up your brand’s presentation from first sight, like Fubiz.

via Behance

19. Show how diverse you are, like Historiska.

via BP&O

20. Make your logo animation memorable, like Disney’s famous castle.

Of course, here at Distillery we’ve created our own clever logo animation, too. We use ours to convey what we do and how we work. Haven’t seen it yet? To check it out, hover your cursor over the logo in the upper-left corner of our website.

As our diverse array of inspirational examples has shown — whatever business you’re in — animation can help you bring your logo to life. So what are you waiting for? Breathe some life into that logo, telling a brand story people will remember.

Still looking for inspiration? Let us know! Distillery’s top-notch design team creates logos and animations that help brands make lasting impressions.

About the Author

Elena Schedrakova joined Distillery as a UX/UI designer in early 2018 with the view that design is not only a job but also a way of life. She is particularly fond of typography (which accounts for 95% of web design) and animation. In addition to creating the illusion of interactivity, a well-made animation brings delight to users and enhances their experience with the product. When she’s not designing, Elena loves playing basketball and participating in local table tennis championships.



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