3 min readOct 11, 2016

Aleksandar Nenov Inaugurates DISTRIBOOTED

On 10/10 at 10:10 Aleksandar Nenov, CEO of CLOUDWEBOPS OÜ and one of 35 global AWS Community Heroes launched the first instance deployed by DISTRIBOOTED into Amazon’s AWS Cloud.

DISTRIBOOTED combines a Cloud App Store with an Application and Cloud Management Platform which aims to provide a single-pane-of-glass for Deployment, Configuration, Management and Monitoring of Server Applications across multiple Cloud Providers.

“Aleksandar’s indefatigable energy in evangelising DevOps culture and Amazon’s AWS Cloud is simply contagious. He has been critical to inspiring a lot of engineers in Serbia and SEE to innovating in the DevOps space. It is a real honour (and a recognition of his efforts from us) to have him launch the first instance of DISTRIBOOTED’s vision for Cloud 3.0” — said Nikola Gajin, CTO of DISTRIBOOTED.

A true Global Citizen Aleksandar’s interest go beyond the DevOps — he has recently become a great Evangelist of The Estonian E-Residency program. More on the program in his own words here — Cloudwebops OÜ* helps tech startups and businesses worldwide.

DISTRIBOOTED has launched into Alpha with an App Store of 30 Apps supporting 6 Cloud Providers and will be rolling out support for 100 Apps and 30 Cloud Providers by 2017. The service is free for now and offers the ability to deploy test instances and applications for free on partnering Cloud Providers.

About Aleksandar Nenov & CLOUDWEBOPS

Aleksandar Nenov is a Senior IT professional in Cloud Web Operations and Managed AWS Services, with a deep understanding of AWS solution approaches from a business, technical, and service management perspective. An AWS user since 2009, he has helped dozens of small and large businesses benefit from running their workloads in the cloud.

Aleksandar is CEO & Founder of CLOUDWEBOPS, the first AWS APN Consulting Partner in Serbia and South East Europe, and founder/organizer of AWS User Group Serbia. Aleksandar has created an AWS community of over 300 members and also inspired AWS enthusiasts from Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina to do the same.

Aleksandar’s proudest achievement to date is his direct support and involvement in AWSome Day SEE, a free, one-day introductory event hosted by AWS Experts with over 250 participants from Serbia and guests from Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


DISTRIBOOTED is an Application and Cloud Management Platform which aims to provide a single-pane-of glass for Deployment, Configuration, Management and Monitoring of Server Applications across multiple Cloud Providers.

DISTRIBOOTED is founded and backed by Serial Entrepreneurial Engineer — Balaji Bal (GridMine / Bal Lab / SurfKitchen / FlauntR / Fotodesk / ScreenSpace / DeviceDriven). DISTRIBOOTED is built by the engineering team behind GridMine — the first Cloud Independent Big Data Hub. The team is based in Belgrade, Serbia.

Originally published at blog.distribooted.com on October 11, 2016.


The App Store for The #Cloud. https://www.distribooted.com/ - The Creators of Cloud Marketplaces for the Governments — #GovTech #OpenGovernment #Transparency