Spanked Blog - Spanking Blog

5 min readSep 10, 2023



Dr. Cole Anesthesiologist and mother of two kids is a (Spanking Blog) split-time mother of two children, who splits her time between Orlando, Florida, and Los Angeles, where she’s acting as the lead character in the first season of Married to Medicine: Los Angeles. Alongside being a part of the popular Bravo spin-off show she’s looking for permanent medical employment on the West Coast. West Coast.

Spanked Blog — Spanking Blog — Spanked Blog — Spanking Blog

Before becoming an anesthesiologist Dr. Cole worked as an officer in the Navy together alongside her close friend who was married to Medicine Atlanta actor Dr. Contessa Metcalfe.

Dr. Cole and their spouse Mack Major have two children: Mack Jr., 7 as well and Ivy 8 years old. Follow her on her world on Instagram @brittencolemd.

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Disclaimer of Spanked Blog — Spanking Blog

Disclaimer According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, corporal punishment should not be used to control kids. In a December 2018 advisory, the organization stipulated that parents should “be in a position to be” not using spanking on the Spanking Blog to punish children, and doctors stated they believed that “there is a strong link between Spanked Blog spanking children and the resulting negative results.”

PEOPLE also spoke with Dr. Robin Gurwitch, a psychologist and professor at Duke University Medical Center, in June about the efficacy of corporal punishment. She highlighted how “research over the last several decades confirms the negative impact of corporal punishment or verbal humiliation.”

“The brief changes in behavior do not outweigh the negative effects which include more aggression, injury to the brain’s development as well as problems with relationship and development,” she added. “This doesn’t differ by race or ethnicity, nor income level. These types of punishments are not suitable for children.”

This is the decision made by Spanked BlogSpanking Blog

The choice of whether or not it is appropriate to Spanking Blog the child is an individual decision that can be an issue of contention. A majority of Americans believe that kids need a good traditional Spanked Blog now and then time. And, honestly, I also do. I think it’s beneficial to use a Spanked Blog for your child when utilized in conjunction with other methods of controlling your child. In the context of a healthy parent-child relationship, it can be a great method to alter the behavior of children.

For example, When a friend of mine’s child was just five she would race through the streets in a full-on sprint and occasionally race over crossings! If repeated warnings, timeouts, and discussions failed and the child was unable to stop it, a quick Spanked Blog spanking ended the reckless behavior. Most children are given Spanking Blog spankings from the ages of two to seven. It is the age when children start to become self-sufficient and, as a result, they test the boundaries.

Disclaimer The American Academy Spanked BlogSpanking Blog

Disclaimer According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, corporal punishment should not be used to discipline kids. A December 2018 advisory said that parents should “be advised” not to make use of Spanked Blog spanking for punishment since doctors have noted the fact that “there seems to be an established link between the use of Spanked Blog spanking children and the resulting negative consequences.”

PEOPLE have also engaged in a discussion about the medical professional. Robin Gurwitch, a psychologist and professor at Duke University Medical Center, in June, discussed the effectiveness of corporal punishment. She added that “research over the past few decades has proved the negative effects of verbal or corporal humiliation .”

“The short-term changes in behavior do not outweigh the negative effects which include more aggression, injury to the brain’s developing structure, and issues with the development of relationships and in their development,” she explained. “This doesn’t differ by race or ethnicity, nor income level. These types of punishments are not suitable for children.”

The choice for Spanked BlogSpanking Blog

The choice to discipline your child is a personal one and contested. Many Americans believe that children need some Spanked Blog spanking occasionally and, frankly, I agree with them too. I believe that it is best if spankings from a Spanked Blog are employed in conjunction with other methods of discipline. In the context of a relationship between child and parent, this could be a highly successful method of reprimanding behavior.

For example in the time a close friend of my daughter’s was five years old, she became enthralled to race through the streets in a full-on sprint and even race through the intersections! If repeated discussion, scolding, and timeouts didn’t work, in a flash, Spanked Blog spanking ended the risky behavior. The majority of children are Spanked Blog targeted between the ages of 2–7. This is the time when children start to gain independence, and along the way, they push the boundaries.

Spanked BlogSpanking Blog Last Rule

The final rule isn’t easy to follow sometimes. It’s nevertheless worthwhile to stop and tell your child to “Wait until we return home” and, “Go to your room.” This will provide your child a buffer between the actions in the Spanking and Spanked Blog the spanking.

This will allow you to reevaluate whether the punishment is needed. You’ll be able to return it when you’re not getting results, you can seek help. Get advice from a professional and consult with your pediatric physician. or a specialist in behavioral therapy to discover ways to manage your child.

At this stage in my children’s lives, I do not punish my kids. They’re old enough to understand the consequences and the significance of having conversations. More effective ways of disciplining them are commonplace. Disposing of mobile phones with internet access or other devices that they choose to use has proven to be a significant bargaining advantage, allowing kids to be involved in home chores.

I could also provide the users with the form of “the expression,”. This results in the immediate consequence that is “Don’t repeat that.” This has the effect of was previously the consequence of an unintentional Blog punishment used to penalize repeatedly defiant behavior.


I’ve learned that spankings on a Spanked Blog are effective in certain situations. As well as with particular kids and parents. However, any discipline technique is not effective if it is not based on the strategy of teaching. The message that’s the motivation behind the discipline isn’t there.

Parenting is an individual journey and, unfortunately, no guideline or pamphlet can be found. If we can raise our children with love concentrate on being good role models. and a way to discipline our children in a meaningful way, I hope that we all become more like us.




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