DartIn:A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Flutter developers
What is Flutter?
Flutter is Google’s mobile UI framework for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android in record time. Flutter works with existing code, is used by developers and organizations around the world, and is free and open source.
I have been studying flutter for a few months , and have worked 3 years as an android developer。In the past years, I’d like to use DI (dependency injection) in my App , such as Dagger2 and Koin. But in Flutter, there don’t have DI tools, so I decide to develop a DI tool.
What is DartIn?
DartIn is a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Flutter developers. It is a light container inspired by flutter-provide and koin.
DartIn is pure Dart , and less than 300 lines in total.
you can set up by :
dartin: ^0.0.1
Key methods
- single:Creates a provider with the value provided to it.
- lazy:Creates a provider which will initialize using the [DartInFunction] the first time the value is requested.
- factory:Creates a provider that provides a new value using the [DartInFunction] for each requestor of the value.
- inject:get T from dartIns by T.runtimeType and params
more informations see dartin.dart.
Getting Started
- declare DartIn modules
//scope should always be initialized as a static const and passed around.
const test = DartInScope('test');final viewModelModule = Module([
factory<HomeProvide>(({params}) => HomeProvide(params.get(0), get<GithubRepo>())),
..addOthers(test , [
///other scope
factory<HomeProvide>(({params}) => HomeProvide(params.get(0), get<GithubRepo>())),
]);final repoModule = Module([
lazy<GithubRepo>(({params}) => GithubRepo(get<GithubService>())),
]);final remoteModule = Module([
]);final appModule = [viewModelModule, repoModule, remoteModule];
2. Start dartIn
void main() {
3. inject to your bloc or provide
final service = inject<GithubService>();//pass parameters
final test = inject<HomeProvide>(params: ['title']);//different scope
final test = inject<HomeProvide>(scope:test, params: ['title']);
more examples see https://github.com/ditclear/mvvm_flutter.
DartIn is easy to use, and still improving.
🍺 welcome to fork and pull request.