Introducing DTO

Ditto Finance
3 min readOct 15, 2022

Governing Ditto Finance

Ditto provides the core primitive of Aptos liquid staking which helps users earn the native validation yield of the Aptos blockchain while still retaining the flexibility to leverage all their capital. This is achieved through the issuance of Ditto staked Aptos, stAPT, when users stake Aptos — which can be utilised throughout Aptos DeFi much like native APT.

Liquid staking is a uniquely DeFi product and we believe that a core component for the longevity of a DeFi protocol is the token. That is why, in tandem with being one of the first protocols to launch on Aptos, DTO, the governance token for the Ditto Protocol, will also be one of the first tokens to launch on Aptos.

As a reminder, the vision for Ditto is to make stAPT — our liquid wrapper for staked Aptos earning sustainable validator yield— the base token of Aptos DeFi. We believe that the DTO token will help achieve this through a few key functions:

  • Enabling decentralisation and governance of the Ditto protocol which will ensure that this core primitive remains neutral and fairly operated.
  • Aligning incentives between core stakeholders such as ecosystem partners, users, validators and protocol contributors.
  • Bootstrapping key network effects for the Ditto Protocol.


What’s Next?

The priority for Ditto still remains ensuring that we get to Aptos mainnet on day 0 and that we provide the safest and best liquid staking solution to the DeFi community. Once Ditto is running in a stable manner we will look at opportunities to drive network effects via the DTO token and mechanisms to ensure a fair distribution of DTO. Once the protocol and the token is established the journey to decentralisation will begin!

We are excited to have you as a part of the Ditto community, head to the discord, engage and feel free to share any ideas that can help shape the future of Ditto

When Airdrop? When Public Sale?

Details will be coming very soon! Make sure you follow us on twitter and discord to be first to find out!

Why Ditto is building on Aptos:

Aptos provides much of DeFi with a clean slate. For Ditto this means that we can reinvent liquid staking and unlock its potential. We believe this is a powerful primitive and it has failed in execution in many of the existing blockchains primarily due to a few core reasons:

  • Liquid staking launches months after other primitives so is not fully integrated.
  • Liquid staking is viewed as an isolated primitive/application rather than a base layer of DeFi.

Why this is different on Aptos?

The opportunity that Aptos presents is unique in that there has never been a chain with so much developer activity pre-launch. This combined with Ditto being ready day 0 is a powerful opportunity allowing stAPT to be deeply integrated with all the core protocols and primitives as they come live. All of this places us in a position to capture this vision where DeFi uses stAPT as the medium of exchange.

Aptos also offers all the key elements required to form a robust ecosystem for DeFi applications and beyond:

  • It is fast and allows for a high throughput of transactions.
  • It is low fee enabling a wide range of users to onboard and a broad range of applications to be built.
  • It addresses the reliability issues that previous high throughput blockchains have faced.

Where to next?

To follow our progress, follow us on twitter and discord, or check out our website.

