stAPT — Ditto staked Aptos

Ditto Finance
2 min readOct 1, 2022

The safest, most integrated liquid staking derivative on Aptos

Safe, sustainable yields

Integrated throughout DeFi

Convert to APT anytime

Autocompounding value growth

What is stAPT?

Ditto staked Aptos (stAPT) is a liquid staking derivative that represents Aptos (APT) staked with professional validators securing the Aptos network.

Users can deposit APT into Ditto in return for stAPT, which will automatically begin earning compounding yield while contributing to the security of the network.

stAPT will be a yield bearing index. What this means is that over time 1 stAPT will become worth more APT. For example, at launch, 1 stAPT may equal 1 APT, but 1 year later, 1 stAPT could be worth 1.05 APT.

Integrations throughout the DeFi ecosystem

stAPT will have a number of integrations throughout the DeFi ecosystem, meaning users will be able to use stAPT to participate in DeFi while still earning yield.

In particular, we have focused on partnerships with:

  • Wallets
  • Dexes
  • CDP stablecoins
  • Lending protocols
  • NFT marketplaces

Make sure you follow our twitter to hear the latest updates!

Sustainable yields

The yields powering stAPT come from rewards earned from producing Aptos blocks. Think of these like the treasury bond yields of Aptos. This makes them safe and sustainable, unlike short term yields that rely on token incentivisation.

stAPT can be converted back to APT with no slippage

Apart from swapping stAPT for APT on a dex, users will also always be able burn their stAPT back to APT. This means that users will always be able to retrieve the APT their stAPT represents.

This makes holding stAPT significantly lower risk than say stETH, because arbitrage traders will always be able to support the stAPT — APT peg via buying stAPT if it is at a discount and burning it for APT.

Top validators secure the protocol

With a new chain, there is always the possibility that things do not go 100% smoothly. For this reason, we will be working closely with the largest, most experienced validator companies at launch to ensure reliability, stability and safety. The council has been assembled — stay tuned for announcements coming soon.

Audited for peace of mind

Our first audit is currently in progress and almost complete, details to be announced soon!

For more details on liquid staking, check out our introduction here.

Where to next?

To follow our progress, follow us on twitter, or check out our website.

