5 Superfoods to Grow Your Hair Thicker and Stronger Naturally

Diva Divine Hair Extensions
8 min readApr 8, 2020


Are you worried about your hair? With our fast-paced stressful lives, our hair has to go through a lot. Not to mention, it is exposed to high levels of pollution, chemicals from various hair products, and heat. Even harsh water weakens hair.

With so many attacks on your hair, your precious locks are going to need some extra love and care. One of the easiest things you can do to help your hair grow stronger and thicker is to make changes to your diet. Ensure that your intake in a day includes the key nutrients that your hair needs. To make it simple for you, we have created a list of the 5 superfoods your hair needs that will transform them from dull and lifeless to a thick, gorgeous mane. So get ready to eat your way towards healthy hair and shiny locks.

  1. Protein
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Protein is one of the most important nutrients your hair needs. This is because hair follicles are principally made of protein. Have you heard about Keratin Treatment? But what is keratin? You guessed it: protein!


One of the best sources of protein for hair is eggs. Eggs have a lot of protein and biotin. Biotin, a B-vitamin, promotes the production of keratin. The lack of biotin can result in major hair loss. Eggs also boost the production of collagen. Collagen is another protein that surrounds each hair strand. It makes your hair more elastic and protects your hair from breaking. Besides all the protein, eggs also have a lot of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, carotene, lutein, and zinc, all of which encourage the growth of healthy hair.

Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel, and herring have a lot of protein paired with high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, B complex vitamins, and selenium. Omega-3 is extremely important for preventing hair loss. According to clinical studies, women who took omega-3 saw a significant reduction in hair loss. This is because Omega-3 opens up hair follicles and promotes hair growth. Since it is a healthy fat, it also lubricates the scalp and hair. This makes your hair brighter and more elastic prevents dandruff and stops your scalp from becoming dry and itchy.

Red Meat

Red meat is another high source of protein, with a lot of vitamin B, iron, and zinc. Iron increases red blood cell production and helps red blood cells carry oxygen to the rest of your cells. This is critical in the hair growth process. Zinc supports cellular reproduction which helps hair tissue grow and repair. It also keeps the oil glands around hair follicles working properly. Deficiency in either iron or zinc deficiency can result in hair loss.

2 . Vegetables

Vegetables like bell peppers, beans, avocados, are all full of nutrients that promote healthy hair.

Bell Peppers

You may be surprised, but one of the biggest sources of Vitamin C are bell peppers. A bell pepper has more than double the amount of vitamin C than an orange does. But why is vitamin C important? Vitamin C contains numerous antioxidants. Antioxidants fight free radicals which cause damage to hair follicles, resulting in brittle and weak hair. Vitamin C also helps increase the production of collagen.

How to eat? Just dice some bell peppers into a salad, or slice them long and have them with a yummy dip, instead of chips. You can even toss them into noodles or put them in a tortilla wrap.


Beans are packed with zinc and they are also a great source of vegetarian protein. Both are crucial in hair growth and preventing hair loss.

How to eat? Have beans in your meal once a week. Here is a delicious recipe for Green Beans with Lemon and Garlic. For some more ideas, check out 15 Green Bean Recipes.


Avocados are full of Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and copper.

Copper is one of the best nutrients to strengthen hair. Copper helps balance hormones, boosting hair growth and strengthening lipids in the hair. According to Dr. Ellen Marmur, “Copper builds up the collagen and elastin of the skin that holds the hair follicle.”

Vitamin E increases oxygen uptake, improving circulation to the scalp to promote healthy hair growth.

As mentioned before, Omega-3 is vital in healthy hair and scalp.

The yummiest way to eat avocados is to make guacamole! Or you can include it in your breakfast and have avocado toast. Avocado toast is a versatile, delicious snack option. Here are 10 ways to make avocado toast.

Orange Root Veggies

Orange vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, squash, and sweet potato are all extremely high in beta carotene. Beta carotene is fabulous for healthy and luscious hair because it is turned into vitamin A. The vitamin A helps the skin glands to produce sebum, which is an oily substance that keeps the scalp moisturized. It also helps in circulating oxygen to the scalp and strengthening hair follicles. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to hair loss.

3. Leafy Greens

leaf for hair grwoth

Dark leafy greens like cabbage, collards, Swiss chard, watercress, spinach, kale are full of nutrients such as folate, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and iron. They also promote the production of keratin.

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Spinach must be mentioned in particular because if there is a superfood for hair, this has to be it. It is an extremely high source of almost all the vitamins and nutrients healthy hair need. It is high in vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, Omega-3, iron, and zinc.

How to eat? You can eat spinach raw or cooked, however, you like. Use spinach leaves in your salad or make a spinach smoothie. You can also add it in dal or have a palak paneer. Here are 28 delicious ways to cook spinach if you want to try some exciting recipes.


This leafy green is full of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It also has a lot of beta carotene, which your body turns into the hydrating vitamin A. In addition, it has a lot of vitamin C which boosts collagen.

How to eat? Add kale to your salads or sauté some kale in a skillet. Here are 37 recipes with kale for some more ideas.

4. Nuts and Seeds

fruite for hair vitamins

Nuts are not only a plant-based source of protein, but are also rich in Omega-3, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin E, and B-vitamins.

Seeds are full of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Similar to vitamin C, vitamin E is full of antioxidants which helps fight oxidative stress. This is vital for preventing hair loss. Vitamin E is known for healthy skin, which includes the scalp. It helps balance oils on the scalp, hydrating dry scalp and preventing excess oil production. It also helps protect the lipid layer on the scalp. In addition, researchers also found out that vitamin E may promote blood flow, which helps hair stay healthy.


Almonds, in particular, are one of the best nuts for healthy hair. They are packed with not only Vitamin E but also the B vitamin Biotin that promotes keratin production.

How to eat? Keep your hair healthy by munching on a few almonds in between meals or toss a few into your salad.


High in omega-3, flaxseeds help moisturize hair and keep them from becoming weak and brittle. Besides Omega-3, they also have vitamin B1, magnesium, phosphorus, and selenium.

How to eat? There are many ways to incorporate flax seeds into your diet. You can add ground flaxseed in the batter for muffins, bread, or other baked goods. You can also add it to water as a substitute for the egg when baking. You can also include them in your morning oats and smoothies, or sprinkle them over your breakfast cereal.

Pumpkin Seeds

These protein-rich seeds are full of zinc, which is vital for cellular reproduction and hair growth. Other key nutrients include iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, protein.

How to eat? Roast pumpkin seeds and have them as a snack! Here are 5 interesting ways to cook pumpkin seeds.

5. Fruit

fruit for hair protein

Fruits are a delicious way of getting your dose of healthy nutrients. Guavas, papaya, and citrus fruits are all good sources of vitamin C. There are a few specific fruits extremely beneficial for healthy hair.


Berries are extremely high in potassium and vitamin C. Vitamin C not only boosts collagen and helps fight free radicals, but also plays an important role in absorbing iron, which is also vital for hair health.


Figs are a great source of iron, important for hair growth. Figs also have magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin E.


This favorite sweet fruit has silica, a mineral that helps your hair retain its elasticity. It also strengthens your hair by helping repair damaged hair and follicles. Mango also has plenty of vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and folate. So the next time this fruit is in season, don’t hold back from enjoying it!

Some other foods that are great for hair care:

  • Other copper-rich foods include shellfish, whole grains, beans and legumes, and chocolate.
  • Other foods high in zinc are oysters, wheat germ, and lentils.
  • Foods high in iron include clams, oysters, and lentils.
  • Vitamin D include fatty fish, cod liver oil, some mushrooms, and fortified foods.
  • Vitamin A can also be found in animal products such as milk and yogurt.


If you are fretting about your hair, don’t worry. Like any other part of your body, your hair needs to be fed with the right nutrients to be healthy and look its best. Try to incorporate some of these superfoods into your diet, and your hair will thank you!



Diva Divine Hair Extensions

Diva Divine Hair India launched in 2008. We are the first retailer of human hair extensions and wigs. For More Info Click Here https://divadivinehair.com