Cody Rhodes’s Undeniable Quotes

Diversion Edge
5 min readAug 30, 2023


Success, as attested by renowned American wrestler, Cody Rhodes, is not given but earned through hard work, determination, and tenacity. Distinguished by his illustrious career in the wrestling world, Rhodes not only boasts of numerous victories but also an enlightened perspective on triumph gained from the unique hurdles in his path. In true semblance of his wrestling spirit, his definition of success permeates beyond the ring, commanding universal application. This piece explores powerful quotes from Cody, illuminating his interpretation of success, the crucial role of resilience, the unyielding fighting spirit, and the necessary courage to overcome life’s adversities.

Defining Success

The Essence of Success: Success is Earned, Not Given

In a 2018 interview, American professional wrestler Cody Rhodes offered his perspective on success, stating, “Success isn’t handed to you. It doesn’t come free with hard work. You try, you fail, and you keep trying. It’s how determined you are… It’s triumph through perseverance, through will.”

Rhodes emphasizes that success is the fruit of determined labor, underlining the importance of perseverance in the face of failure. He encourages the understanding that repeated trials are intrinsic to the rocky road to success.

Hard Work: The Heart of Any Victory

Rhodes strongly believes in the value of hard work, as he once said, “A great match, a great gig, a great moment, they all mean nothing without hard work. Hard work is the heart of any victory.”

Passion and talent, in Rhodes’s view, need to be backed by a relentless effort to bear fruit. Without hard work, victories in life, no matter how big or small, have no palpable significance. It’s the sweat that makes the sweet taste of victory in life’s battles.

Role Models and Mentors: The Cornerstones of Achievements

Rhodes has openly acknowledged the influence his esteemed father, the “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes, had on his own wrestling career. He once remarked, “In a world full of Donald Trumps and George Clooney, I choose my world of Dusty Rhodes.”

This quote underlines a powerful theme in Rhodes’ understanding of success — the role of inspiring mentors who guide us to be the best version of ourselves. Drawing upon personal lessons from his father’s career, Rhodes highlights that success is grounded not just in one’s own effort but in learning from the achievements and pitfalls of those who walked before us.

On Staying Humble While Savoring Success

Despite his extensive success, Rhodes never lets victory get to his head. He firmly believes humility is integral to true success. He said, “Victory is always temporary. You cannot let it define you. You gotta remember where you came from…”

This message reinforces that while success is rewarding, it’s essential to not let it overshadow the past or dictate one’s personality.

Failure and Rejection: The Stepping Stones to Success

Rhodes views failures, disappointments, and rejections as catalysts for growth. He stated, “Some of my best times came on the heels of a rejection. It made me hungry, it made me fight harder.”

Rhodes inspires his followers to view setbacks as opportunities to nourish their motivation and fight harder for their dreams. He believes that real success is using failures as stepping stones, learning from each stumble, and evolving oneself.

Resilience: The Power of Never Giving Up

Rhodes champions resilience in the face of adversity, asserting that the downfalls and troughs in a career can be transformative. “Resilience means getting up even when you’re knocked down, even when nothing seems to be going your way… Success is all about resilience.”

With this, Rhodes implores people not to give up, no matter how dire the circumstances. Instead, he advocates embracing challenges as opportunities for personal growth and lessons in strength and tenacity, integral components of long-term success.

True Grit & Resilience

As a legendary professional wrestler, Cody Rhodes doesn’t shy away from discussing the reality of hardship in the pursuit of success. He consistently emphasizes the importance of grit in overcoming life’s challenges. “I’ve made peace with one universal truth of this world,” he once said, “Fantastic things don’t come without fantastic effort.” This quote demonstrates that Rhodes believes in equating achievements with the intensity of the effort invested.

Dealing with Defeat

Failure is a major theme often touched upon by Rhodes. He strongly believes in the power of resilience to pull oneself up after a fall. Notably, he once remarked, “You don’t lose when you’re thrown down. You lose when you stay down. Getting up is the victory.” Indeed, his words motivate his fans not just in their professional lives but in every domain they face challenges.

Fighting Spirit and Courage

His words capture his ideology of celebrating bravery more than the outcome. In one of his interviews, Cody stated, “Being scared isn’t a setback. It’s a signal that you’re about to do something really brave.” Such insights from Rhodes inspire his admirers to face their fears and take bold risks.

Unlocking Potential and Overcoming Adversity

Rhodes advocates for channeling personal strengths and overcoming adversities, no matter the situation. His quote “It’s adversity that unlocks the human potential” is a testament to this belief. He emphasizes that struggle isn’t a drawback but an opportunity to unlock inner potential.

Cody Rhodes on Continuous Effort

Rhodes is a proponent of continuous effort and progress. He often states, “Even the smallest progress is still progress.” This shows his message that small steps consistently taken can still lead to large developments.

In Their Struggles, lies Their Strength

Taking pride in being resilient, Cody Rhodes inspires millions with his words, “The more vigorously you have to wrestle with your struggles, the stronger you become.” His life and his career are indeed a testament to his beliefs, teaching audiences that the struggles endured during challenging times can become a source of strength.


In all, this collection of quotes by Cody Rhodes provides valuable lessons on cultivating resilience, nurturing a fighting spirit, and valuing continuous effort. His words serve as a beacon of motivation for those facing tough times.

Throughout the chronicles of Cody Rhodes’ career, whether experiencing the taste of victory or the bitterness of defeat, his indomitable spirit stood unfaltering. His pearls of wisdom, encapsulated in his rich repertoire of quotes, serve as a beacon of inspiration for not only athletes but for anyone striving to conquer their personal mountains. His views on success and resilience provide a roadmap for transforming failure into fuel for future victories, a meta-testament to his fighting spirit. These invaluable insights from Cody continue to enlighten and encourage individuals to persist, wrestle with life’s challenges, and ultimately, earn their own definition of success.



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