A logo for Black Lives Matter! — A closed black fist raised in the air with BLACK LIVES MATTER written underneath it.
Black Lives Matter!

I can’t breathe!!

Divi Addepalli
3 min readJun 8, 2020

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” — Angela Davis

I am still in shock and trying to comprehend all the things I am seeing, hearing, and reading these past few weeks. To see human beings, act worse than animals… wait maybe I am insulting animals when I compare them to the four (officers?) “murderers”, who murdered a man in cold blood as he was pleading for his life! Whatever be the reason they arrested George Floyd for, he had the right to defend himself and explain his place! He had the right to mercy! Most importantly George Floyd and the others like him before his time had the RIGHT TO LIVE!

My heart goes out to all those who have suffered and are suffering in the name of racial inequality and injustice. When and how did it become okay to kill someone in public in the name of power? How is any country free or democratic when such a thing happens to its citizens? Should so many lives be lost in vain, just because of their skin color!? How is it okay to not have a chance to explain oneself? How is it okay for people who took an oath to protect and serve the public murder or be accomplices in murder? How is it okay for them to be not charged for 1st degree murder? Who gave any one of us the right to decide or feel who is and isn’t privileged? How and when are we going to take responsibility for our society, so our children can grow in an equal, fair, and safe world?

Yes, I agree so many incidents like George Floyd’s have happened in the world before and are happening today. Yes, somewhere, someone is hurting another human being as we speak. Yes, maybe those things are not brought into the light, but the ones that are, should and will create the awareness of the atrocities happening in the name of power, wealth and social status, and when they do, people will react, and react in a way that isn’t favorable to many people! But then again ‘many people’ do not understand the trauma, sadness, anger, hardships, and exhaustion that comes with racial inequality and the injustice that the ‘other people’ must face in their daily life.

To those who said nothing or didn’t react for 8+ minutes, as a grown man lay there crying in pain for his dead mom, as he begged for his life, as he took his last breath… what right does it give any one of us to talk about the chaos happening now!? Yes, it isn’t right, but what happened to George Floyd and many others like him is not right either!! I am not supporting the violence, please do not get me wrong, all I am suggesting is that it is time, it is time the voices of the oppressed, hurt, and unheard are heard! Do not tell them how and what to feel and say. Let them scream! Let them cry! Let them release the pain! Let them march! Let them chant the words of the ones taken away from them in vain! Let their voices be heard! Let us join them in their protest and make it ours! Let us all stand together and stand tall until the change happens!! I stand in solidarity, love and respect with the Black community. CHANGE NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW AND HAPPEN FAST! Change starts in the heart -> in the home -> in the community -> in the world. Rest in Power, all those who have lost their lives in the name of inequality.

I pray and hope that all of us will always have the STRENGTH TO STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT and the COURAGE TO STOP WHAT IS WRONG!



Divi Addepalli

Found a medium to express my life, love, passions and ambitions.