Decision as a Service ! Last Scoop in Our bowl to feed the Machines ?

Dhivakar Ragupathy
3 min readAug 11, 2020


DaaS can decide for you !

How many decisions you make per day ?

The number of decisions you made is hard to count, but it’s higher than you would expect.

The very first decision of your day is made, when your alarm goes on and you choose to SNOOZE or STOP.

Though you STOP the alarm, then and there you need to choose between continuing your sleep and going off the bed. From that point, your entire day is built on a series of decisions you make.Your entire day may be represented by a decision tree like this.

Structure of Decision Tree

Looking from outside, your years of life can be explained by the decisions you made.An average human makes a decision once in every 2 seconds. Hence, the decision plays a vital role in evaluation of life, business even the species.

How are these decisions made?

Every decision you make relies on a list of facts that you may gathered, acquired, developed or been transferred to you genetically, socially or even sub-consciously. However the underlying fact is “Decisions are made by facts you have”.

Steps in Decision making can be simplified into following simple steps :

1.Identification of a problem

2.Gather data about the problem (mostly facts you have)

3.Coming up with Intelligence (from data)

4.Building up Choices

5.Selecting the better Choice (where we require human intelligence).

Standing in 2020, we have already fed Machine Learning,Deep Learning,Neural Networks,Natural Language Processing,Computer Vision and Cognitive Computing to machines and made them intelligent enough to build up choices and Decide on own, what could be the next big step ?

Yes, the parallel development of cloud computing already crossed milestones like

1.Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),

2.Platform as a Service (PaaS),

3.Software as a Service (SaaS),

4.Storage as a Service and

5.Data as a Service

The next step in the revolution is Decision as a Service (DaaS).

You can assume it as some portal/Mobile app where you can tell your problem and get a solution or going a step further, what if the app identifies your problem and solves for you ?

What if, your mobile automatically snoozes your alarm by 10 min based on your snooze pattern and google calendar sync ?

(You may loose your platinum move of the day)

What if, a startup comes up with an app which suggest you every morning which dress you should wear from your wardrobe ?

(Everyone other than Mark Zukerberg is a potential

What if, your mom uses an app to predict which dish you may like on the particular day ?

(You can never argue about food anymore then )

Welcome to SKYNET !!! (lol)

How you feel about DaaS ? Interested ?? Scared? Feel free to share your feedback !



Dhivakar Ragupathy

Tech Enthusiast ! Out of Stereotype ! Developer @ Thoughtworks,Inc