Dr. Jayne Gardner
6 min readAug 1, 2016

We’ve spent the month of July talking about and assessing this idea of Divine Intelligence — but how can we clearly define it?

Literally translated, the two words “divine” and “intelligence” mean infinite knowledge.

There are two kinds of Divine Intelligence: (1) the latent unlimited potential in you and (2) the latent unlimited potential out in the Field all around you. For more information on what we’re calling “The Field,” peruse some of the articles at this link.

We access the universal intelligence, The Field in a conscious way through the development of our individual divinity. It is waiting for us like one big infinite library of wisdom ready to be checked out and used by us.

What does science call Divine Intelligence?

In this past century, the scientific world has started to explore what is inside of us, not just focusing on the laws of nature on the outside. In other words, they started exploring our inner world as well as the outer world. What quantum scientists tell us exists inside each of us, and all other matter, is pure energy in the form of atoms, molecules, or quanta spinning around in a well- designed and ordered manner.

And then they discovered that all of this energy inside of us and all matter itself spins around in an ocean of energy they call The Zero Point Field (I just shortened it to The Field), where an infinite amount of energy exists.

This is where our Individual Divine Intelligence comes in — our thoughts and feelings influence Zero Point Field of infinite energy, taking energy from thought to matter.

What does the Universal Divine Intelligence look like? (Hint: The Field)

The intelligence you observe in seeing a flock of geese moving together in perfect synchronicity is The Field as is a school of fish all breaking at the same time in the same direction. It is like there is a field of intelligence everywhere all at once operating without us even noticing it. This is the Universal Divine Intelligence at work.

The Field is also the energy of the waves crashing on the beach, the red orange of a sunrise, the way a baby laughs for no reason.

How do we recognize our Individual Divine Intelligence?

Walk with me through an experience of what your own Divine Intelligence feels like inside of you.

Hold your hand over your heart for a minute and feel the thump, thump of the most powerful organ in your body beating without your conscious effort. Notice the air coming in and out of your nose. You can depend on your lungs to bring you the life supporting air and you don’t have to tell your lungs anything. Your cells repair your body with no instructions from you.

So what or who inside of us runs this magnificent body of ours without us lifting a hand or giving it a conscious thought? Divine Intelligence is so innate it flows freely through us like a river cutting through a pasture moving toward its source.

Can we consciously channel it for our own desires?

Science has proven this energy exists both in us and around us. What is even more exciting is this energy is at our disposal to use as we wish.

The energy, this innate intelligence is always at work for us, but we don’t always know how to get it to work for us. Most of the time, we aren’t even conscious of its existence.

Since we have the ability to use this intelligence to craft the exact life we desire, then how could we gather up some of this intelligence and mold it like clay in our hands to create new lives for ourselves?

Becoming Aware

The one thing that separates us as different is our view of the world. Your own opinion is what your Divine Intelligence looks like your opinions, your ideas, your thinking out of the box. This authentic expression is the way you were in the beginning untouched by the influence of the world, just ready to be you.

It is that sometimes fleeting feeling of being free — like when we take our granddaughter to the park, she wants to run as far as she can, and she sees no boundaries until we chase after her and stop her. Do you remember running out into a “field” and not seeing the edge to it? The space is so big you could run forever! There! That feeling is your Divine Intelligence at work! You may have to go back a few years.

The second way you can become aware of the energy of your Individual Divine Intelligence is by recognizing your feelings as you go through each day. In order to do this, you need to live in the present moment becoming the observer of your emotions.

Your feelings are the indicators of who you are and they are the signposts leading you to your use of your Divine Intelligence. They are pure energy so notice them and decide if hate or love is what you want to send out into the Field.

Feelings are the energy activating The Field. Remember the universal divine intelligence has no judgements — it will give you what ever you ask for — or whatever you feel for. The more intense your feelings, the quicker the Field will activate around them.

If you are not getting what you want in life, examine what you are feeling most of the day…the Field does and gives it right back to you in the form of an wonderful vacation, or an unpleasant incident, a gift of money, or an argument with a friend. It is all decided by you.

Our Thoughts Activate It

We think between 60.000 to 70.000 thoughts per day — and most of them (90%) are unconscious. Given only 10% are active, we have at least 6–7 thousand opportunities each day to tap into our Individual Divine Intelligence with our thoughts. Learning how to manage those many thousands of thoughts every day becomes the goal to steer your Divine Intelligence in a conscious way toward what you want.

Our thoughts are the background to our feelings. If you figure out what your thoughts are, then you can change your feelings.

For example, I want to change my feelings of envy of a friend to admiration of what they have done to create what looks like such a perfect life. How do I change from envy into admiration?

By changing my limiting thought of: I cannot create what I really want my life to be like.

To an un-limiting thought like: I am free to create the life I want.

Focusing our thoughts channels our Divine Intelligence into a laser like energy where we can aim it at the goal we desire.

4 Actions to Harness your Divine Intelligence

1. Begin by emptying out all the resentment, anger or grudges and any other negative emotions on the inside of you.

Neuroscientists tell us that emotions trump thoughts in our brain and keep us from having the power to focus our thoughts at will. They take away our ability to get to the divine.

2. Adopt a daily habit to notice what you are thinking.

Journaling, meditation, or yoga all help you relax your mind and relieve it of distracting thought and enlighten you to more positive thinking.

3. Know your intentions.

Decide on what you most want and focus your thoughts on that vision. Be clear and specific with details but remember your job is now the how it happens but just the getting clear on the what you want. Make sure it is really what YOU want, because our Divine Intelligence can decipher between what we think we want from what we really want.

4. Use your emotions.

Emotions play a powerful part in the activation of your Divine Intelligence. When you focus your thoughts on what you want and feel passionate about that vision, the more your Divine Intelligence knows what you want and will provide it. Passion plus purpose activates your innate intelligence.

Once you have begun to uncover your thoughts and feelings, you begin to be the engineer of your own life. When you take the steering wheel in your own hands, the universe reaches up to support you with more power and energy than you ever dreamed possible. But first you must channel your own power, not wait on the universe to serve or save you.

Think of life like going to a cafeteria and picking out exactly what you want, rather than waiting on the waiter to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it for yourself.

The Universal Divine Intelligence is just waiting on your command to go into action to fulfill your most passionate desires.

Focus, Clarify, Channel and Activate.

via The Gardner Institute — Spirituality http://ift.tt/2aKDNEG