1st Star Potential Collab Lore-Art Drop

Divine Order of the Zodiac
10 min readOct 12, 2021


1. AB x Doz x Acolytes — Making Magic

The Prophet sat in the sky high above planetary matters and atmospheres where clouds carelessly puffed. With a downward twist of his wrist, he rolled his finger into a fist over and over again. Each time, a bluish light swirled over his knuckles and between each finger illuminating the darkness enough to see the rock ledge above All that Existed. The faster he rolled the brighter the light became. He contemplated the magic in his hand, then magic as a practice, and finally, the magic that had been bestowed upon him at an age before the planets existed. He then thought about the elders who lost their ability to create magic through neglect and appeasement of others. Why is it that so many elders stop performing magic, he thought.

His concentration broke when he heard the laughs of children. He thought about how much he loved magic when he was a child and called for them to come. They approached quickly, knowing the importance of respecting their elders. Familiar with the land, they froze when the dark hid the cliff above All that Existed.

“I’m frightened of the dark.” One child’s voice said.

The Prophet snapped his finger, creating a spark of bluish-white light. The sparks ignited, shooting an arch of light through the cool air before dimming as they extinguished upon the ground. The Betties gasped with astonishment, their fear subsiding with the flash. He snapped again, and this time the sparks were suspended above his palm, glistening like stars on a clear night. Fascinated, the children inched closer at his palm.

Now knowing he’d have to up the ante, he plucked them from the air and tossed them casually into the darkness. The lights sored across the darkness on an endless plane through space leaving a permanent light trail in their wake. The Betties giggled with excitement and The Prophet grinned. Sensing the show wasn’t over their eyes drew closer to the illuminated palm.

He snapped his finger again, and again until he had a handful of blue-white light and swung his backhanded fist, opened towards the heavens. The sparks rained down, suspending themselves in the sky permanently. The darkness evaporated as the blueish-white hue now dominated the sky. The Betties jumped up and down with glee and excitement. Turning to the Prophet they asked, “Can we create magic?”

“Everyone can create magic,” he replied.

“Can you teach us?” she said.

“Sure. Open your hands.”

The prophet spun his fingers around until a ball of light appeared hovering above his palm. The light reflected off the children’s surprised faces. He divided the orb in two and placed one in each of their hands. Enamored with it’s perpetual orbital movement, they stared deeply until The Prophet spoke again.

“I will teach you as my teacher has taught me. This is your magic, it will change greatly as you navigate life. You must always protect it, for some will seek to steal it. However, others will add to your store of magic, so it is also important to be generous with it.”

Sensing they were daydreaming about creating mythical creatures and shooting stars, he paused for a more simple lesson.

“You must promise me one thing,” he said.

“Anything!” they shouted.

“Never give up on creating your magic.”

Opensea Link to “Making Magic

Projects: Divine Order, AlphaBetties, Acolytes- Artist: Specifics -Writer: S.J. Steelman — Production: Graffirap

2. AB x DoZ x Balanced — WaterBetty

EA — WaterBetty

Ea floated effortless in the vast sea about him. Letting the diamond’s own buoyancy keep it afloat atop his torso. Balance, just like the diamond. He thought. Balance of the Cosmic Council. I can bring forth life or death, devastating blows or unsurmountable defenses. I am that which all things need and crave for life. And he floated, enjoying the time to himself.

Then there came the lapping of water on a keel. A ship was passing by out of the fog. Ea grabbed the diamond and held it behind his back with a hand as he saw two girls on the deck of the ship. Playing with tiny little orbs of fire. Fire he had seen before, in the wages of war. Having extinguished it and held it at bay many times personally. He formed a vortex of water around himself that brought him up onto the ship. Soaking all that were on the deck. The girls screamed with surprise and the sailor yelled expletives. Then they saw the newcomer, hastily begged forgiveness and requested blessings for their voyage.

“It’s so cold!” one of the Betties exclaimed.

“I know! Let’s use our magic to warm us up!” retorted the other.

Both the Betties began summoning their fires to dance on their palms and all around them to dry themselves off.

“I apologize, hope I did not frighten you little ones.” as Ea slipped the Diamond of Balance into the back of his sash.

“Of course not!” they chimed together.

The first little Betty continued, “You merely startled us, was all.”

“Did you say magic earlier? And was that what those flames were?”

“Yes, a man taught us,” said one.

“We were up very high and in the dark! Until he helped us.” said the second.

“I see. What do you say we play a game?”

“Can we?!” They echoed.

“But of course! All you must do is summon this back to us.” In an instant he grabbed the Diamond of Balance from it’s haven, showed it to the Betties, then tossed it overboard.

Both Betties ran to the rail of the ship and peered over into the depths of the sea.

“We can’t do that with our magic!” said the second.

“You tricked us!” said the first.

Ea swiftly raised his hand and a jet of water spout from the sea with the diamond perched atop it.

“Then perhaps, you both could learn from me?” Lowering his hand the diamond sank back into the deep.

“Yes!” they exclaimed.

Ea taught them his magic how to control the flows of water, and to purify. They ran back over to the side and easily summoned the Diamond of Balance as he had. They reached out and grabbed it.

“Do you know the name of that gem? It is the Diamond of Balance. The embodiment of the powers of water, among other things. I want you to remember, balance is important and something to strive for in body, mind, and spirit. There is more for you to learn, but in your own time.” He held out his hand and they placed the diamond in it. Ea smiled warmly at them. Then as quickly as he had come to the voyage of the Betties he disappeared into the sea.

Projects: Divine Order, AlphaBetties, Balanced

Artist: Brymic — Writer: Trycid Trekedge

3. AB x DoZ x Aethir Wars — Betty Unleashed

The girl saw the stars. Constellations… she thought. She was on her back. She sat up. Where was she? She was just in… she couldn’t remember. She looked at her hands and arms. She felt like she was older. Maybe a little older.

Then she remembered part of a dream. She was here, at this place in the dream. She looked around. Old and abandoned buildings littered the landscape. Everything was overgrown. In the dream, a small boy stood before her. He lifted his hand and pointed at her. Smiling slightly, some sort of mist came from his fingers. The cloudy stuff swirled around the girl. That was it, she couldn’t remember anymore.

Some of the small clouds were still there… in front of her eyes. It didn’t really hinder her sight, but she batted at it with her hand and it just came right back. She also noticed an odd object at her neck, like a large broach. The center of it looked like the moon. She couldn’t remember where it came from.

On her back there was a bow and some arrows stored in a quiver. Something was familiar about those.

Her hand felt warm. She raised her hand and stretched out her fingers. In her palm was a faint blue-white light that grew stronger as she gazed upon it. Magic, she thought, remembering something. Something perhaps from long ago…

Her thoughts were interrupted by footsteps, heavy footsteps. She turned and saw a large creature walking towards her. She was afraid but tried not to show it.

She nocked an arrow and leveled her bow. A toy! That’s what it was before, a toy bow. It’s a real bow now.

The monster came closer. She couldn’t decide if it looked friendly or not. Does she shoot or not?

[You can help decide if you join us on this adventure. Your NFT could have a secret utility. To be continued…]

Projects: Divine Order, AlphaBetties, Aethir Wars — Artist and Writer: Nuetosis of AW

4. AB x DoZ x Gas Warriors — LightningBetty

The monstrosity roared at her. She stood defiant and tall with her arrow nocked. The beast advanced. She drew a slow deep breath as the fletching came to her cheek. Time seemed to slow as she aimed, exhaled and released. The arrow flew true striking the beast near the heart. It halted, and roared with rage. It began charging ferociously, the ground shook as its feet pounded the overgrown earth. She didn’t have time to fly another arrow. The blue-white light wouldn’t materialize in her haste. She extended her arm, palm out in desperation to protect from the massive creature. A bolt of lightning struck down on her from the heavens. It charged her with energy, the electricity traveling through her veins until it . A burst of lightning charged from her outstretched hand striking the best on the chest. The beast tumbled to the earth, electrified until it was dead.

“Intriguing. Very intriguing indeed.” Said a voice from behind her.

She whirled facing a being lounging on the rubble of a collapsed building.

“No need to be alarmed, young one.”

The Betty slowly reached for her quiver, while keeping a watchful eye on the being.

“A well placed blow,” he continued before vanishing with a boom of thunder.

“You won’t be needing these,” the voice behind her said.

She pivoted with indignant fire in her eyes to see him holding her quiver and bow. He strolled to a nearby building and leaned them against it.

“How dare you take my weapons.”

“Oh? And what will you do?” He smirked.

She pulled her hand back and flung it forward releasing a blast of lightning.

He raised two fingers from his left hand and deflected the strike into her bow. It rattled then fell to the ground knocking the quiver over and scattering the arrows.

“What did you do?!” She said.

“A token of my curiosity. My curiosity in you. You’re the first to use my magic without being taught. Perhaps you wish to be more,” he paused, “proficient?”

“Will you leave me alone?”

“But of course. With a spirit such as yours, learning the basics is all you need to further your own magical venture.”

“Mimic my movements and redirect this strike,” He flung a bolt at her. She held out her fingers, absorbed it, and redirected it back toward him. He absorbed it then smiled casually.

“Stunning, absolutely stunning. And on your first attempt. Perhaps with time you could rival me,” he quipped, “Now, for your final lesson I want you to call down a strike from the clouds and harness it, for you will need it for what is to come.”

He gathered her arrows and placed them head down in the quiver.

“ Treasure her, and she will treat you well,” he said, placing a hand on the bow.

She heard footsteps as before, heavy and numerous shaking the earth. She reached a hand to the heavens, focusing on the clouds above. A thunderous crash, then a tremendous bolt entered her body, knocking her onto her back. With a huff, she propped herself up onto one elbow and gazed at the electricity dancing across her hands. The overgrown earth pounded louder than before, she sprung to her feet. She shot a harsh glare at her teacher, and he knew.

He snatched the bow, then the quiver full of arrows and tossed them to her.

Will you aid me?” He said.

“For the lesson?” She said.

He laughed and thunder echoed through the cityscape.

“A fair payment, no?”

She nocked an arrow, glanced at him and nodded.

The owner of this AlphaBetty variation will receive a hidden unlockable content with the end of this story.

Projects: Divine Order, Alphabetties, Gas Warriors

Artist: Ken Malibu — Written by: Trycid Trekedge and SJ Steelman

5. AB x DoZ x Brrds — Kalki Betty

Kalki Betty is the AlphaBetty version of DoZ’s Kalki. Please feel free to check out the lore story here: Link

Projects: Divine Order, AlphaBetties, and Brrds. Artist — CD Guthrie — Lore Written by: Graffirap



Divine Order of the Zodiac

Hand drawn NFTs representing the Zodiac Signs, Ruling Planets and Elemental Spirits. Info available at http://thedivinezodiac.com & http://discord.gg/Nm8g4tA5cT