How to do SEO for a Musician? Make it visible in 2019 and beyond.

Divine SEO
8 min readOct 16, 2019


You can be the next big thing in the search engine. However, the audience should know about your music.

It must be “discovered” on the Search engine. It’s time to explore and create awareness about your music and creativity in 2019.”

The first step is to have your website. If you already have that move on to social media. Social media these days is the next significant impact on your business. After that, you can go with streaming platforms for data that you can use to show your audience. All we are going to talk about digital marketing and a game of SEO. Yes, here in this article I am covering guidelines for SEO for Musicians and all needful to grow your traffic by more and more new reviews.

SEO for Musicians

Digital marketing for a musician

Digital marketing is a new dynamic way to explore and serve your customers better. All you need to do is to be consistent with all your activities, along with posting creative work. That’s how it is going to work.

Here is the guide to SEO for Musician

SEO Search Engine Optimization is a type of marketing tactic and activity done to rank your business on Google. It also helps to increase the quality of your website with authority and create awareness for the audience. Sounds great. Ok, then what about Organic Search Results of your website?

SEO techniques are changing, and we all have witnessed it, but now you have to be updated for your industry. The crucial point is to be unique and step up your game in the market. Ranking high is what matters, but along the side, relevant traffic from the search engine is the one that earns you profit.

These types of marketing strategies are time-consuming. It’s a long term result as it doesn’t always come with rose, be patient, and know more about SEO for pre-defined results.

Search appropriate keywords

Foremost is to get your keywords list while going for SEO. It takes lots of research including searched worlds, most popular worlds on google, competitive analysis, and more. Now, divide your keyword list into two types: long-term keywords and short-term keywords.

Take a list and go through descriptive words that define your music band. Here you have to make sure location, style, instrument, influences, similar artists, and more. It helps to create your market while promoting.

Prioritize optimizations on your site.

Optimizing your website helps to drive more traffic as you come up with some loopholes and need to correct that. Make it SEO-friendly and keep loading time minimum. Now that depends on host, yes or a web provider like WordPress, Bandzoogle, Squarespace, Wix, and more.

Now, you have to work on metadata, a very crucial part of the SEO Checklist for Musicians. Ensure your website’s metadata as well. Similar kinds of words can help, so it makes it easy for search engines like Google to crawl, and your site can be visible.

SEO metadata divided into three major parts:

1. Meta descriptions: You must hear that they don’t directly relate to SEO rankings but plays a vital role as they show very first impression for what your music band when a user searches for it. Keep your meta description between 50–300 characters.

2. Title tags: The main title of your website shown in search engines. Specially for SEO-friendly site, better to keep these between 50–70 characters.

3. Headers: Title in the content and subtitles in the articles that define the subject-line for the followed information. You can mention the main title of the blog with the header “Rockers band is back in the town” with various H2 and H3 such as “name of music,” “type of lyrics,” and more under the same title.

Keep search engines funda in mind, and go for simple and easy formate of writing. Information should be relevant, and the title should include a focus keyword.

If you already have a website, optimize it, and start SEO or else go with new content by editing the old one with all focused keywords and well-drafted information. You can even add infographics, videos, testimonials, and more. Further, to maintain and track the activities you have done, you need an excellent analytics platform.

For instance, if for some reason your band name is Rock On, then “New Album for Rock On” would be an excellent keyword-filled phrase to use in the metadata of your website.

Unique Content

Quality information for your audience is all you need here. You can elaborate on your service and product with user benefits and some in terms of website and blog content. You already heard about SEO-friendly content, which means you should have SEO-friendly content consisting of naturally placed keywords with useful information.

When it comes to ranking, Google follows an algorithm that seeks the original content. It crawls each website page with information, and you are reminding Google algorithm when you update and refresh your page.

What does content look like for a Musician website?

● Make a new post for music and post it to create brand value.

● Maintain your content well either with blogs, posts, social media, or guest’s appearances. It helps to engage your audience.

● Write about your new music and design an attractive image for it.

● Testimonials and videos seek greater attention. So go for video making and add that video link to other platforms.

● As a music band, you can even quote some new music or rap you created. With the same, the audience has the reason to be in touch as the audience knew that you are in the market, giving fierce competition.

Be local

Considering one simple example,

“Food near me” or “restaurant near me,” these are the words we used to type daily in Zomato or Swiggy. Moreover, we can see many results basis on that. Similarly, for musicians, they can create a page or target word of hometown or something related.

The user who wants your service finds you nearby so promote your music to local bands, associations, and promoters by merely using your location in your meta tags and can approach to Music SEO Services Company to boost your profile.

Music Social Media:

● Increase your visibility

● Connect with your fans by active on Social Media

● Pioneer your brand value

● Encourage more sharing of new creativity

● Show & sell your creativity

Well, stable digital marketing and social media agency name comes to your mind when it comes to Social Media Promotion for Musicians. Social media is more for creativity and unique talent to showcase it with elegance, and you are good to reach each of your fans. Promoting the right post with relevant information is what matters. So you need to be aware of the time of posting as well as per your target audience or fan base.

Mobile-friendly website

Optimizing your website for mobile-friendly is another excellent way that ensures organic traffic on your page. We are busy with our mobile phones and used to get all the necessary things done on mobile. Considering it, Google prioritizes sites set up for mobile devices. Mobile-friendly site means a website that easily opens on mobile phones with no loading time same as it works on desktop or laptops.


Once all the above things are done, including SEO of the website, now its time to monitor those activities. Analytics of the traffic and sessions on your website helps to get the result of the activities. Optimizing it helps to know which action works for you and you can evaluate plan B for things dint work.

There are many free analytics tools out there for analyzing your website.

Till here, I have cleared with basic SEO tips so you can start optimizing your music site or create one with the best UI/UX design and add unique content to it and be ready to meet your new fans.

Generate backlinks

Backlinks are the new way to get the traffic on your site, and visitors can know you better. However, well-drafted information and rightly placed things get you to earn more and more backlinks.

It is time-consuming, as the user reads the document and redirect to your page and fill the form is not that easy. However, they’re one of the most powerful ways to be notified apart from search engines whereby users come to the web page from other documents. According to MOZ, anchor text is the obvious thing, and words with hyperlinks display when it gets linked to another document.

How do backlinks work?

There are 3 simple steps, one business or website page or particular blog post references your site with a name and link of your particular page.

That means any user reading that document can see similar information and click that link and redirected to your website or service page and you can enjoy backlinks. You can measure it through tools in terms of how many people came through backlinks.

Create a YouTube channel

Who don’t like videos?

YouTube, as one of the most dynamic and friendly channels, ranked second after Google. I used to see numerous videos of my interest in Youtube so pretty much clear that you should have your own by posting videos and useful content.

The channel attracts more people with similar interests, and you can amaze them with your creativity. Remember, keywords play a big role here as well. As the user is going to type some words on youtube, so the list of commonly search keywords for your industry is the priority.

Post good videos and direct your fans to other sites as well. Show your active presence on the channel to have the highest fan base.

Can the Youtube channel be optimized?

Yes, you can optimize your Youtube channel. There are some YouTube search tools ( available that help you to optimize and result with your fans. I must say you should also provide playlists as Google favors channels with such lists in terms of ranking.

Music Artist Web Design Development

We have a lot of proven things in the bucket when it comes to Website development & SEO. Our experienced designers and developers help you with the necessary things for your website development. We use advance codes to avoid website crashes and technology that are much in demand.

Bonus tips:

Enhance Fan engagement

The user searches you if they heard you before or if they are your fans. They search for interacting with you and demanding you with new music or videos. Therefore, you should focus on keywords, and optimization keywords as they are can naturally place into content that enhances fan engagement.

There are two different ways to work on:

● The first is by editing and updating your website as per the new guidelines.

● Secondly, go with the quality writing of blogs and promote them that engage fans on the most demanded song.

You can also get some time to build a whole new page of your music release or any significant event. Moreover, now, that page should be well optimized for all searches related to music or event.

SEO music marketing is a long-term commitment, but results are going to surprise you. Keep your post relevant and content pure to get maximum traffic. SEO for Music Artists can be done well by experts or experienced in the industry who keeps an eye on each move.

Contact us now to avail of our Digital Marketing Services including Music SEO, Music Artist Website Design, Social Media Marketing for Musician or any related service.



Divine SEO

Divine SEO Services is one among the reputed Open Source Website Design, Development, Digital Marketing Company in India