How to get traffic to your dating site that increases the conversion rate

Divine SEO
6 min readMay 24, 2020


How to get traffic to your dating site that increases the conversion rate

Digitalization over the globe, most dating sites help to get relevant matches using the user’s dating profile and preferences.

But, there is competition too in the dating app business. Isn’t it? If you are looking to get your dating site on the top of search engines or a question with how to get traffic to your dating site, here I have covered all those aspects.

Ordinarily, this shows that applications and dating websites create a circle based on the location of users’, and select all the essential matches inside this territory. Let’s see how SEO services for dating websites help to be the first in Google.

If you are totally new to SEO and searching for approaches to improve your site prominence in web indexes, you will discover heaps of valuable data to get your webpage positioning admirably.

Why does your website need SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the key for all the websites looking for online traffic by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Social media is one of the ways to get traffic, but for your website to generate more traffic, dating SEO services are the primary source of navigation.

● SEO targets quality traffic

●SEO gets more clicks than any other marketing campaigns

PR strategy revolves around SEO

SEO helps to move ahead of the competition

No need to pay for ads while doing SEO

You can consider search engines as a path that provides a targeted audience to your website, one who is seeking your services.

Simple is that you can miss your audience from coming to your application if it is not available on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. So, it is very important for your business site to be well optimized and made with SEO algorithms and terms that are accepted by search engines like Google.

6 ways of an SEO that makes Your Online Dating Website better

1.Target keyword and placing of its synonyms : For any of the businesses online, target keywords must be set earlier. Targeted keywords are the one that your users are looking or searching on Google.

The website landing page must have targeted keywords to land your audience over there on the first click. One should make sure to have below things in a right way:

The headings



Meta description

Title with targeted keywords

From the SEO specialist: You can place as many synonyms of the main keywords as well. To my surprise keywords are the best and are the base of the SEO and a possibility to increase conversion rate effectively.

For example, consider a specific topic like “dating an extrovert”, so for the same, the possible keywords are: “relationship with an extrovert”, “chat with an extrovert”, “match with an extrovert”, and more.

2. Link building and building linking trust: Link building helps you to get more visibility and hence more audience.

Link building is simple yet asks for more focus by giving link is the most natural way. You can’t use any link in-between the content randomly. It must go with a flow of relevant content.

So, you cannot get link building with force, it should be with proper and relevant words. And, yes link must be informative, high-quality, useful, trustworthy, and related to the subject.

-> One of the best ways link added or perhaps linked content in a way that users do not understand was the site linked?

Remember, Google algorithms are taking numerous websites under consideration to analyze the links as per the content added. And if your link is found unnatural, it will be deleted.

Here comes the process of research, an important task to find a similar and much more informative website to link in your page.

3. Indexing the pages of your dating members’ profiles: In the implications to gain more traffic, indexing website pages are the must. Google follows specific terms and conditions to attract more audience by indexing your profile pages, in such a way that you can attract more traffic.

But you need to check the profile pages for the amount of content before doing that. Now, for that, your profile must provide all the required details to be considered as a valid profile of those members.

Because, Google algorithms used to check your pages perceive similar pages, and that will ensure plagiarism or duplicate content problems. So, make sure to check prior to any page indexing.

4. Do not try to optimize your dating site quick and easy

For any SEO activities, or say promising SEO results by SEO professionals or dedicated SEO individuals, they will ask for time. Because SEO is a continuous process and not done in a short time.

Many of us might wish that this were possible, but that’s simply not the case. The fact is it takes three to six months based on the industry for SEO strategies to start showing results.

So, yes, fast and easy is not the proper way of getting a high rank in a search engine like Google. Find a digital marketing agency India that assists with an result-oriented mapping of activities along with timings to win the race.

5. Content Pages should be created for specific keywords and phrases

When it comes to content, you should follow all the relevant aspects of website content to be well optimized. You cannot randomly use all the keywords available with you to get rank.

It must go with flow and relevancy. Dating site SEO can help you by all means for your business website, such as to get rid of overly added keywords. It shows a promotional aspect which again is not accepted by any search engine and smart users can catch the same and lose interest in your services.

So, these may increase bonus rates, and we don’t need that. You can go with a list of keywords targeted for a specific page or as per the variety of services you are providing that hit with the customer’s needs.

6. SEO will help to build your brand

Building a brand is, of course, will asks for effort and time. Without a proper way of effort and several regular activities, it is hard to build your business as a brand.

And while taking a business to the next level, optimization of a website is the critical aspect. Search engine optimization is considered to be one of the best factors in organic marketing that helps to build your business as a brand.

Proper content, SEO-relevant information, long-term and short-terms keywords, followed by on-page and off-page SEO activities increases your site’s visibility, trust, availability for the audience, and thus increases more and more audience and high domain authority.

While developing SEO strategies as per your business site or while optimizing your website, several things should be kept on mind for the image you want your brand to have.

Then, your business online presence will reflect your ideal branding and for the same SEO service for dating websites is the best possible to contact and help your dating site establish with the pre-defined target audience.

Wrapping up

As per my research and years of experience into digitizing an online business, SEO is an investment that is worth to invert. A far more cost-effective marketing strategy to go for with a result-driven goal is a good SEO plan. Specially, for a dating business site, SEO ensures your website with more visibility over the globe, and your target audience will reach for products or services that you are offering.



Divine SEO

Divine SEO Services is one among the reputed Open Source Website Design, Development, Digital Marketing Company in India