The Iconic Star Wars Opening Crawl — How You Can Make Your Own

5 min readAug 23, 2023


Create your Own Star Wars Crawl

The opening crawl of Star Wars films is one of the most iconic parts of the beloved sci-fi saga. As the introductory text screws up the screen against a backdrop of stars, fans know they are about to be transported to a galaxy far, far away.

Since the original 1977 film, the crawling yellow text has become a pop culture staple that evokes excitement, adventure and nostalgia. Even people who have never seen a Star Wars movie can recognize the famous intro.

In this article, we’ll break down exactly what makes the Star Wars crawl so special. We’ll look at its origins, purpose, style and impact on audiences. Then we’ll give step-by-step instructions on how you can create your own customized Star Wars-style opening crawl using the best Star Wars Intro Creator I have used. Put on your Jedi robes and get ready to immerse yourself in the opening magic of Star Wars!

The History and Purpose of the Iconic Opening Crawl

While the Star Wars opening crawl feels like an integral part of the saga, it actually wasn’t George Lucas’ original vision. In early storyboarding and scripts, Lucas intended for the first film to begin immediately with the story action.

However, after feedback from directors like Brian De Palma and Francis Ford Coppola, Lucas decided to add an introductory text sequence to provide important backstory and context. This was inspired by the Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers serials that Lucas grew up loving, which often began with text scrolling over a starry background.

The opening crawl serves several crucial story functions:

Sets the scene — It provides a quick snapshot of the story status, including major events leading up to where the film will begin. This allows viewers to be oriented from the very start.

Establishes tone — The styling and language evokes the classic sci-fi/fantasy serial feeling that Star Wars embodies.

Draws viewers in — The visual movement of the text along with the rousing score grabs attention and generates anticipation.

Provides worldbuilding details — It references people, places, events and concepts that add richness to the fictional universe.

The crawl’s effectiveness stems from its balance of being succinct yet compelling. In just a few paragraphs before the story even starts, the audience is hooked and ready to immerse themselves in the galaxy.

The Signature Style of the Star Wars Opening Crawl

Aside from its story purpose, the intro sequence makes an impact through its highly stylized presentation and aesthetics. Lucas and other creators painstakingly developed the look and feel of the crawl:

Perspective — The text is pitched at a sharp angle coming from a horizon point low on the screen. This adds dynamism and motion.

Color — The yellow font pops against the static starry black backdrop. Yellow also feels old-fashioned, befitting the classic serial style.

Typography — The font (News Gothic for the body text) is simple, streamlined and unfussy. It has a retro look while maintaining readability.

Layout — Each line extends across the whole screen so no text is revealed until it reaches the center. This adds drama and mystery.

Movement — As sentences enter from offscreen and scroll upward, viewers experience moving through the text. This build anticipation and interest.

Music — The stirring score by John Williams syncs with the crawl, making it feel grand and epic. The orchestra hits a final triumphant note right as the text disappears.

Punctuation — The opening crawl ends with an ellipsis (three dots) to make the viewer eager to see what happens next.

Combined together through painstaking cinematography, all these elements make the intro sequence feel sweeping and cinematic. The crawl transports viewers right into the film even before any characters or story are shown.

The Opening Crawl Continues to Capture Hearts and Minds

Even as CGI and editing have evolved, the Star Wars opening crawl remains effectively unchanged since 1977. It still evokes chills and excitement from audiences today. The intro has become a cherished part of Star Wars culture, parodied in countless TV shows and referenced in all areas of pop culture.

Some key reasons why the opening crawl remains so impactful include:

Nostalgia — For longtime fans, it taps directly into childhood memories of discovering Star Wars for the first time.

Familiarity — The consistency across films allows it to feel like an “old friend” welcoming viewers.

Fandom — Star Wars devotees love picking apart every detail and nuance in the text.

Iconicity — Even for non-fans, it is immediately recognizable as part of the Star Wars brand.

Cinematic thrill — The aesthetics make it feel like a grand cinematic experience every time.

Story promise — It kicks off each film with excitement, setting up anticipation for the adventure ahead.

While many opening credit sequences get skipped, the Star Wars crawl is so beloved that it remains mandatory viewing. It expertly draws audiences in and transports them to that legendary galaxy — and that’s why fans never tire of its magic.

Craft Your Own Star Wars Intro Crawl with These Online Tools

Part of the appeal of the opening crawl is inspiring fans to imagine their own Star Wars stories. If you want to create your own customized intro text crawl for a school project, fan fiction, or just for fun, it’s easy thanks to some handy online tools.

The easiest way is using Stargazer’s Star Wars Crawl Creator. It allows you to simply type in a title and your custom text, then automatically adds the crawl animation and music.

Star Wars Opening Crawl Intro Creator

Some tips for making a crawl with impact:

Evocative title — Sum up your story in 3–6 words like the films e.g. “The Dead Speak!”

Past tense — Write your text as if the events already happened.
Cliffhanger ending — Close with uncertainty, danger or a hint of more to come.

Easter eggs — Weave in references fans will recognize and enjoy.
Imagery — Use descriptive language that paints a cinematic scene.

Once you finish your crawl, you can easily share it online or use screen recording software to download the video file.

The crawl creator at Stargazer offers all the options you will need to make your iconic Star Wars style opening crawl.

With this user-friendly tool, anyone can harness the power of the iconic Star Wars opening crawl to creatively kick off their own stories and videos. So go forth and make movie magic — the galaxy is yours!




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