Insights of Boston Airbnb

Divyansh Singh
3 min readMay 5, 2020

Let’s begin with the “CRISP-DM Process” in order to discover the data:

Business Understanding

Boston Airbnb listing dataset is available on Kaggle, our prime motive is to enlighten some important traits of present listings.

Three questions are raised around the interest:

What is the price Range with highest no. of listings?

What are the most popular amenities?

What are the top 10 Neighbourhood?

Data Understanding

Boston Airbnb listing has 3585 rows, 95 columns representing listing attributes.

Prepare Data

The preparation includes data cleaning, filling missing value.

Data Modeling

We will use ML models to get some interesting insights.

Evaluate the Results

Visualizing data.

Quick Glance at Boston Airbnb Data

From the data available on Kaggle of Boston Airbnb, Boston has 3585 listings with an average of $174/night with a minimum price of $10.00 and a maximum price of whopping $4000.00.

What is the Price Range with Highest no. of listings?

Let’s look at the price distribution of Boston data

From the Pie chart, We can see that most of the listings are present in the range of $100 to $200 i.e. approx 37% followed by the price range of $50 to $100 i.e. approx 29%.

What are the most popular amenities?

There is a total of 46 amenities and we need to find out the top 10 amenities that are most frequent.

So, We can see that Wireless Internet is the most popular amenity followed by Heating, Kitchen, etc.

What are the top 10 Neighbourhood?

We can see that Allston-Brighton has the highest no. of listings followed by Jamaica Plain, South End, etc.


In conclusion, we cut into the price range and amenities and neighborhood and solve the three questions with the following answers:

  1. Most of the listings are present in the range of $100 to $200 Followed by the price range of $50 to $100 and $200 to $400.
  2. Wireless internet and kitchen facilities are the most frequent amenities, followed by TV and other common appliances.
  3. Allston-Brighton is the most popular neighborhood followed by Jamaica Plain and South End.



Divyansh Singh

Talks about #technology #innovation #investing #business #psychology and a bunch of other things.