Hacking Health Care : My Journey finding the Elusive PCP

DivvyMyRide, Ride Share
4 min readJul 25, 2017


The Setup

I work for a respectable Silicon Valley company and have the luxury of having a decent health care plan. But with all good things comes some unexpected problems.

Like many of you, last November, I choose a health plan and then forgot about it. Unfortunately, life had other plans for me.

Recently, I hurt my self and wanted to see a doctor (sports/general, frankly anything) and then I realized that I had not even completed the first (and somewhat crucial ) step of choosing a health plan: Choosing a Primary Care Physician!

So I need a PCP, really how hard can it be?Apparently very hard. Here is where my story begins

The kind folks at Connected Care California (my health plan) were indeed trying to help me. I found all the doctors in the network by a simple search. Example: https://www.connectedcarehealth-ipf.com/ca/

Site to find the Primary Care Physician from Connected Care California

The Tragedy

The real challenge came right after that: the 10-mile radius search netted a “mere” 143 results!

How am I supposed to choose between 143 choices?

In a world where we are used to rating and reviews for practically all things, here I was, faced with 143 choices!

A glaring example of review overload taken from Amazon pages.

596 review for a plastic spoon, my God, people really have too much time at hand

The kind folks at Connected Care California, exported a pdf with 8 pages of doctor names (that too in font 9!!). I could have taken a dart and randomly picked one, or I could do something about this.

The Battle

I am telling you a story, so (you guessed it right) I did something about this.

My problems were the following:

  1. How are these doctors? What do their patients think of these Docs?
  2. How to sort them by specialties?
  3. Where are they located? San Jose is a big city, could I filter and then map these doctors?

Weapons: Github/Python/Vim/

For the first two questions, Yelp came to the rescue.

I noticed that Yelp already had reviews about most of these Docs. All I needed was to somehow feed Yelp.com all these names and locations and then get star rating and number of ratings for each of them. (Just like you, I rather go to a 4-star doc with 50+ reviews versus a 5-star Doc with 5 reviews)

I started off from a script from scrapehero/yelp_search.py on Github

And made some tweaks to it. You can see my version here.


Some pre-processing of the text file was necessary before feeding it to Python which I did it with my handy dandy Vim text processor: removing extra data (example exact address, phone, gender, network, language etc ), making each entry as one line, sorting the data alphabetically, replacing white space with “+” and comma by “2%” etc.

Here is what the input to python script looked like

Input to Python script. Before (left), after (right)

Yelp is great because the queries are very easy to pass

Yelp is great because the queries are very easy to pass

Within a minute I had the Name/Address/ Star Rating/ Rating Count / Category / and Yelp Url for each of the doctors.

Bingo, I am in business!! One last thing, plotting all this data.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Google Labs created a wonderful tool, fusion table, which for some reason never got out of beta. But thankfully it is still available for use.

Its beauty is that I could mark addresses and filter results.

I filtered the list by doctors with +3.5-star rating and having a review count more than ‘4’. Fusion table also allows for filtering by specialization. Further more, I color coded the dots by the review rating.

Google Fusion, with Doc color coded by ratings

Again a great way to visually identify how far a Doctor is and what his ratings were (red dot < 4* and blue dot > 4*).

½ a day spent, and I was finally able to make an informed choice !!

TLDR; found independent reviews of my in-network doctors via a script on Yelp and Google Fusion tables.

