Lessons In Life

Divya R
3 min readJul 12, 2021


There are so many life lessons that we learn during each stage of our life. Our every mistake will teach us a life lesson which turns out to be an experience in the end. I am glad to share a few of my life lessons that may benefit you at some point in your life.

Just “Be You”:

We all knew very well that life is not a bed of roses. There will be lots of twists and turns, the path which we shouldn’t have taken or situations that will turn our lives upside down. Once the storm ends, we will have moulded into a different person who we are not actually in the beginning.

If it is a positive change, certainly give applause to yourself for coming out through it so gracefully like a king or a queen. If it is the other way round, don’t ever let anything/anyone change your identity. There always exists a unique version of everyone which one ought to possess that stands out from ourselves. Always cherish the quality in you and don’t lose/change yourself if things don’t work out in your ways.

Don’t be an impressionable person:

Sometimes we may have come across a situation where we tend to get manipulated and we may even forget ourselves but trust the words of others or the advice given by a third person. Not everyone you meet in your life is your guardian angel. Unfortunately, at times, you may run into persons in your life who may not have good intentions for you.

Words have the power to create or destroy a person. But the choice is always yours in the end. Don’t let the negative vibes in the surroundings or the words of people influence you mentally. Only you can be your saviour. Unless you give power to the situation, you will never lose.

Learn to love yourself:

We tend to give more importance or love towards others where we forget to treat ourselves well. When things go wrong, we hurt/blame ourselves badly for the decisions which we take. If you have acted so, then there will be a reason or circumstances that made you stick to such a decision. Also, we need to realise that certain things are not in our control.

Do not be hard on yourself for things that have already happened. Above all, it is during that time when you will have to take good care of yourself. Learn to love yourself in the first place, embrace yourself and walk straight with a confident face. You will start to see life positively once you start to love yourself.

Do not hesitate to seek help:

Many of us think that we may sound weak if we seek help from others during hard times. Some of us even feel that sharing the darkest parts of our lives with others may bring negative energy.

There will be times when things would have been easier, you would have got rid of the heartaches, even the words from others would have strengthened you in a better way. All these are possible only if you reach out to someone instead of mourning inside or hurting yourself. There is no wrong in sharing things with others. After all, we need to support each other and only during those crucial times we get to know the lifetime people.

Mistakes are not to be hardened or be afraid of, but it is something to be learned for the betterment of ourselves. As long as you accept what you have done, realise what you are going to do, act by learning through the lessons, you are unstoppable. But make sure you never make the same mistake twice.

