We Need to Talk About The Tortoise šŸ¢

Divya Abirami
2 min readAug 29, 2021


Hi There!

I felt compelled today to re-tell the most famous fable of all times- The Hare and the Tortoise

Whoever did the sports reporting on the day of the race did a terrible job I would say.

After all that magnificent raceā€”'slow and steady won the raceā€™ is what the world received!

Is that what the champion (the Tortoise) wanted you to learn from his victory?

I doubt soā€¦

So, I sat down to watch the recording of the whole race and here is my reporting of the EPIC Race!

Letā€™s 1st look at the profile of the participantsā€¦

A Slow walking Tortoise competing against the hopper-topper Hare. Wow!!

What confidence must the tortoise have to even set foot on the race!

What did he tell himself to muster the courage?


Before knowing what thoughts allowed him to win the race...

it is important to know what thoughts would have stopped him from participating...
(pay attention)

I guessā€¦he did not say to himself...

ā€œI am not fit to be in the race. wish I was born as a kangaroo and not a tortoiseā€

ā€œThis hare has definitely rigged the game or bribed the judge already. There is no chance for me to winā€

ā€œGod is unfair to me that I have to prove myself this wayā€

If he had any of those going on in his head, Iā€™m sure the world would've NEVER witnessed the epic race.

Instead. The Tortoise showed up to the race.

He ran the race and won it. It is that simple!

He got the programming right in his headā€¦

"I signed up for the race, I want to win the raceā€¦so I am going to run...!"

No self-doubt, no self-loathing, No blaming others or the GOD for inadequacies. He ranā€¦!

Because he got his programming rightā€¦

he channelled all his energy into finishing the Race

Remember: wherever the mind goes, the energy flows!

But that is not the case with most of youā€¦

You quit before you even start or quit before you finishā€¦

ONLY because you lose energy to certain thoughts and Crash! ( instances flashing in mind already?!)

The moment your mind goes into blaming yourself, others or the world - your energy gets diverted from the original stuff you set out do!

Remember: wherever the mind goes, the energy flows!

Channel all your energy into what you set out to do and youā€™ll get it done!

Donā€™t you think this is the lesson The Champion wouldā€™ve wanted you to learn?

Alsoā€¦do you think I can qualify to become a decent animal sports reporter?



Divya Abirami

Become Resilient Without Self-Pity. I talk about Fitness & Personal Growth in my articles.